RM100M - First Thoughts

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Mar 5, 2007
Reaction score
Hi all,

I got my RM100 head on Wednesday and thought I'd post a few thoughts.

First impressions are that it's very cool - the modules really have a lot of character - it's a million miles from having a 3 channel tube amp - this thing rules.

I'll need to experiment to tame the bass frequencies - maybe change power tubes - at the moment it's got way too much bottom end, and through a 2x12" it's entirely too boomy.

After reglueing the vinyl (quite common I hear!) - my only other problem was that the Blackface model kept cutting in and out - essentially dropping out whenever I hit a full on chord through it - almost like it was shorting or compressing and conking out. Sounded good when it did work though. The other modules - Plexi is great, and XTC is what it needs to be for big rock riffs and solos, definitely catches the fatness of the Bogner.

Going to trade the faulty Blackface for another and get the Brown module, so I can set up - Plexi rhythm, Brown Lead, XTC Lead.

Happy to be joining the gang!
Awesome, i love my recently acquired RM100M as well. Unfortunately the only module i have at my disposal right now is the Brown. My impression of it is that it sounds more like an 80's era George Lynch rather than Van Halen Plexi-Marshall, it does sound like a Marshall though.
Patiently waiting for the XTC, Blackface and Tweed. So you really dig the XTC? I'm a fan of the Bogner, so I'm looking forward to hearing how this baby gonna hold up.