RM20 speaker/tube issue

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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2011
Reaction score
Bozeman, MT
I am having an issue with an RM20 combo. When I use an external speaker there is no problem. When I use the internal speaker, it rattles the cabinet and I get tube noise, all tubes check out so I am wondering what might be rattling. Anyone had this issue? What could I have tightened up to fix this?
Not to sound sarcastic, but it sounds like you have something loose in your combo. Should be a very simple fix in less time than it took you to post this on here. Grab a phillips head screwdriver and check the following in no particular order:

- The four screws mounting your speaker
- The bolts securing the amp to the combo shell
- Any/all screws on the cab
- The handle screws
- The logo badge screws
tightened all the mentioned screws and there is still a tube rattle that is not there with an external cab. HOw would one tighten tube sockets? Would that be a possibility? A friend had this little thing that straightened all of the metal things on all of the tubes and the tubes all checked out. It just seems that when I crank it, something makes the tubes rattle and make noise.
The sockets are PCB mounted, there's nothing to tighten. Are the tubes physically rattling or are they amplifying a noise? Can you put a towel on your hand and stop the problem by touching the tubes when the problem occurs?
I love the towel idea! However, I am out of town and will be away from that amp until next week. I will let you know....
thanks Rob. You are a great resource to MTS!
That's great advice on the tubes. I've had annoying cabinet noise in all tube combos. Ungh.... Best of luck to ya, and I hope you get the rattle noise settled.

Adding preamp tube sleeves might help if that's where the noise is.
Tightening every screw to start. I've been surprised how much that helps. Cab rattle drives me bat#%*^ crazy.
Almost every combo I own or service (which is a TON) benefits greatly from occasional tightening of every last screw. From the speaker, to the handle to the rubber feet. I do this immediately to every combo I service and often use Locktite or clear nail polish as needed to keep things snug. It makes a world of difference. Do no overlook the from baffle screws too, particularly if the amp is ever a Fender.