RM4 Question.

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Well-known member
May 6, 2009
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I just got a nice RM4 and to my dismay im not in love with it. Its super bright. Im wondering if it has to so with my set up. RM4->Peavey 60/60 2x12 v30s and another 2x12 with G12-75t's

Its got JJ tubes in the RM
I'm not sure how to help, aside from telling you to back off on the treble and presance, but someone would probably need more details on your setup:

Guitar and pickups
Effects pedals/units
Module(s) and settings
Poweramp settings
Guitars are either a Loomis FR(EMG 707's) or a Hellraiser C7 ( also EMG 707's). Effects would be Gmajor but Ive sences taken that out of the loop and gone direct. the power amp is a Peavey classic 60/60 there arent any Presence / Resonance knobs on it.

Modules in order are:
gig modded XTC

On my RM20 I like the tone knobs around noon and gain not past 1 oclock.
Try an EQ in between the pre and power. I keep the presence on my RM50 at noon because it can get bright for me past that. If you have no presence control then my guess is that the power amp is just bright naturally. I don't remember ever really hearing that about the 60/60 though.
Have you tried the density and presence on the RM4?
nixerx said:
I just got a nice RM4 and to my dismay im not in love with it. Its super bright. Im wondering if it has to so with my set up. RM4->Peavey 60/60 2x12 v30s and another 2x12 with G12-75t's

Its got JJ tubes in the RM

It's more than likely your power amp and how it's set up and maybe the tubes. The RM4 doesn't have any kind of EQ (presence/density) and the only way to change it's tone is by switching tubes, but even that will be subtle.

In case you're use to a RM100, RM50, etc. then you're probably use to the power section of those amps. You could try different tubes in the power amp.
+1. I think its your power amp thats the culprit. Can you check what tubes it's running? Of course you cant just ditch your power amp. So, go for warm tubes like TungSols in the V1's of your modules, back off the treble, and if your power amp has an EQ or presence, turn that down as well.

I have an RM4 + Mesa 50/50 (6L6) setup. Its REALLY warm, with plenty of bottom end.
I know that combination...I tried it at a store because they didnt have an rt 2/50 in stock. I almost didnt buy the rm4 on account of the poor sound quality.
I cant say wether you would be happy with the rm4 once it was paired with an rt 2'50...but I can assure you its a very different sound than what you are hearing. Bring your rm4 to wherever an rt 2/50 and hook them up....its a world of difference.
I think you would be much happier once you hear that,instead.
I wouldnt waste my time changing tubes,imho...the peavey was just not made to mate with the rm4.
harsh said:
+1. I think its your power amp thats the culprit. Can you check what tubes it's running? Of course you cant just ditch your power amp. So, go for warm tubes like TungSols in the V1's of your modules, back off the treble, and if your power amp has an EQ or presence, turn that down as well.

I have an RM4 + Mesa 50/50 (6L6) setup. Its REALLY warm, with plenty of bottom end.
You too, you copy-cat! ;) No, seriously the Fifty/Fifty is a great piece of gear and it can be deep-modded for really heavy tones too. I kind of miss the option to bias the valves though.

Speaking of which the OP should try get his valves running at a slightly lower dissipation level than the common 70%. 60-65% could be a good starting point.

The JJ pre-amps could also be a bit edgy in nature, so I would recommend something warmer sounding in there.
Hey all thanks for all the replies. I expected but didn't want to hear that it was more than likely the power amp....its a bummer but what are you gonna do. the tubes in it are Old School, USA made, Peavey Super 6's and the 12ax7s are US made super 7s so they should provide warmth as they do with my rockmaster pre amp.

What about speakers? Im using V30's now.
nixerx said:
Hey all thanks for all the replies. I expected but didn't want to hear that it was more than likely the power amp....its a bummer but what are you gonna do. the tubes in it are Old School, USA made, Peavey Super 6's and the 12ax7s are US made super 7s so they should provide warmth as they do with my rockmaster pre amp.

What about speakers? Im using V30's now.
Sorry but I'm not sure I'm with you on that Super 6 and Super 7 designations. What type of output valves do that correspond to? Is it 6L6s, EL34s, EL84s...?

Obviously the JJs peaky mids and the upper mids of the V30s could add to the sizzle you're experiencing. What kind of music do you play and what other gear do you use?
Hey Joey,
I play metal. The Super 6's are 6L6GC's. USA Sylvania's. I sold the Peavey today any way. Im looking to get an R2/50. Hope its loud enough :)
..I think you'll find the Rt2/50 is quite LOUD. Its manly watts, if ya know what I mean.
Maybe not as surprizing as what some 50watt marshalls can do..but I play with a real agonizingly loud drummmer..and I keep up.
I cant forsee Randall making a 100wtt versions BECAUSE the 50 is plenty loud enough fro nearly all users.
I see some used ones here..Id get one of those froma reputable person (someone who posts alot, has a good name and all.)
..they arent even all that expensive..seen Rm4s selling for same as a Moodded module!