RM50 Master Volume boost carry signal?

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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Hello guys!

I was working out my possible setup on stage and I wanted to try to reduce signal loss from cable capacitance as much as possible.

I bought a used Crate footswitch that has 3 switches and two 1/4" outputs (one for switch 1 and 2 and one for switch 3).

I removed the middle switch (#2) and was planning on putting a Pot there to regulate the boost level (like a volume pedal would do in the boost feature) and using switch #1 for channel switching and #3 for boost.

Anyway, I started to think that if the signal exits the volume boost plug, goes all the way to the pot/switch and beck to the amp, i'd probably suffer some tone loss from the long run of cable I use for the footswitch... is this an accurate assumption?

I built an RM50 boost footswitch using Bruce's schematic, and it produces no signal loss whatsoever.
Wouldn't that signal be a low impedance signal and not prone to capacitance issues? The cathode follower part of the module circuit should get the signal in good shape, If I'm not mistaken. When in doubt, listen to Bruce. He invented these wonderful pieces of tonal magic.
Sounds good! So I'm modifying a footswitch to include a pot for control of the boost level. I'm guessing it's just be wired in this fashion?

Footswitch plug input -> pot outer leg -> pot wiper -> footswitch plug ground

Basically just have the signal going through the pot to attenuate it, am I correct?

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