RM50 vs RM20B

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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2007
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I want to pickup a 1x12 combo for practice and am trying to decide between the RM50 and RM20B. I originally was only considering the RM20B for the price and portability, but I may be able to purchase a used RM50 for just a bit more. Aside from the obvious differences (50W vs 15W, 2 modules vs 1 module), how do the two combos compare?

Weight - AFAIK the RM50 is about 60 lbs. How heavy is the RM20B?

Volume - Will the RM20B be loud enough to be heard in a band? Can the RM50 be turned down to bedroom levels and still sound good?

Sound - Does one sound better than the other? Or do they sound the same (with RM50 at a higher volume, obviously)?

I use an RM50 right now for rehearsal and jam sessions. I also used the RM20 before. IMO the RM20 is only good for practice and recording, it has the Mic Eliminator which good for that, RM50 doesn't have this feature.
The RM50 sounds good at any volume, it's definitely loud enough to play with a band (unless you're playing in an extreme loud metal band at uber high volume). RM20 wouldn't cut it in a band, unless the drummer plays real soft.
RM20 is really light and portable, while the RM50 is heavy, but bearable, it's not like those 2X12 combos where you'll break your back carrying it.
Tonewise, I prefer the RM50 over the RM20, just because there's more headroom.
RM20 is a cool amp, but is more of a blues/rock amp IMHO. No clean headroom to speak of at practice/gig levels unless you use an efficient 4x12 cab.

Very lightweight, and the mic eliminator can go to a PA. You can also put the RM20 on a stand, and point it at your skull like a monitor - wouldn't need a lot of wattage for that to work.

With the footswitchable boost/gain setup, the 20 can be pretty versatile. Run a Plexi or Tweed module with the gain cranked on the module, hit the boost for a volume/gain bump, and roll your guitar volume down for passable cleans.

I ran my RM50 and my Mod50 with 6V6's and the Eggie on low power without a problem. Shouldn't have any problem rehearsing with a RM20.
The RM20 is plenty loud. The clean headroom is sacrificed but you do get the sound of the tubes workin hard.
Have you considered the rm4 and a PA power amplifier? The rm4 when fully loaded with modules(4 of them) is so versatile with the footswitch(sold separately of course). The clean modules sound great to my ears but im mostly a punk guitarists, however the distorted tones suffer somewhat on the marshall modules but if your looking to keep the rig for some time it will get you running with really great tone on the cheap for the setup and its only a 5 minute job later to add the rt2/50 power amplifier. I think you can pickup some used good solid state PA amplifiers for practically no cash and get a good setup and when your ready to add the tube power section, you can resell it for the same price or more:) I've done this for years with my gear and its worked out well for me, i think my last two guitar amplifiers i have resold for 80% of what i've paid for them. Hopefully this is my last guitar amplifier for a while since the crown power amplifier my 32 channel sound board will receive when i get a tube power amp for my rm4.

My setup:
Rm4: Deluxe, JTM, SL+, 1086
power amp: Crown xls 202 PA amplifier
Effects: Alesis quadraverb, midi controlled
Peavey Triple X cabinet( rated 400 watts)
:oops: D'oh.. I completely forgot about this thread.

Thanks for everyone's suggestions. I ended up getting the RM20B combo b/c of the portability factor. I was initially unhappy with the lack of headroom at high volume but it sounds great at low volumes. Great for bedroom/living room playing. The footswitchable tube boost is nice as well as the silent mode for recording/headphone out.

I do wish the amp was in the neighborhood of 25 to 40 watts instead of just 15. 15 watts isn't enough to keep up with a band (or just drums) without sounding distorted. I'm still interested in the RM50 with 6V6's but I know that amp is at least 20 pounds heavier.

Pete, you own both the RM20B and RM50, how would you rate the difference in weight? Is the RM50 a pain to lug around for day-to-day stuff (non-gigs)?

BTW, I picked up a cover for the RM20B on the accessories page of Randall's site. I was expecting a thin vinyl cover (like other amp mfg's give you) but this is a nice padded material about 1/2" thick. IMO, very good protection and well worth the price.

twilson, I own an Egnater M4 (Egnater version of the RM4) and Randall RT2/50 power amp. It is a very versitile solution and some awesome tones. Regarding your RM4, you should definitely try running it through a tube power amp and a 1x12" or 2x12" cab. It will make a huge difference in your sound.