S1SO in the hizzle!

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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
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Mamba & S1S0 landed tonight. I played just long enough to hear all the switches. Mamba I had before, so distinct and angry. I've shared my love for Mamba countless times before, so today I'll focus my post on the S1S0
The S1S0 was much anticpated....I passed on a local 5150 craig's list deal and chose to go the Salvaition route. I figured Craig's List deals are always shady, it's an older amp, too much of a chance for issues. Plus, the 5150 is basically one tone (maybe 3), compared to a google of Salvo toggle options.

Well the S1S0 is a freaking beast. Stage I with Fire switch engaged, a slight boost of mids, and it is thunder! The Mid Freq selector allows even more insane low tones down in the low mids (or friendlier hi mids). I remember mts member tonymustang commenting about how his mts amp came up short compared to a bandmates 5150 girth- this module would be the answer. It has more low end power than any amp I ever played.

I could see how some deal it off, it is a specific tone, but my God, the thing it does it does with ferocity. I think it would get friendlier VH tones, I'll have to play with all the toggles, but first impression: I wanted a jugular attack and this mod rips it out! Clips/Video upcoming....
Win! Can't wait to get mine in from Jace...running the 50 with the KT-77 right now :)
2nd impression: I spent a good 45 minutes with S1S0. This is a seriously fun module.

There's a 3 way switch; the gain goes up from postion 1>2. 3rd switch is fire. There's also a I II switch. The interplay between these toggles is dy-no-mite. Lite crunch yields a very cool dirty tone....but crank up the gain and mids to max and set to I (more lo end), throw a clean boost and you can nail VH tones. Keep in mind this is the lightest setting!

i find Fire + I is too much- which is a good thing, I like an amp that goes too far so you can dial it back and find the sweet spot. I is a beast setting on it's own.

Fire + II is a great super hi gain combo. I throw some dials around and can get real close to that awesome FJAmodded lead tone that has infinite sustain, even at moderate volumes of 80db. Band levels are around 95db and I'm sure this thing will sing like an eBow is on each note.

Play with the sweep mids and the endless number of usuable great tones is totally ridiculous.

All in all, this is a hardcore module with silly gain levels- but don't discount the VH tones that are here. 8)

No dibs to call, methinks this puppy stays for a long while 8)
FYI: I've been clean boosting with a MW1 and sometimes a ZWod, explains how I + Fire was "too much" in my above comments. No boosts and its all good
The differences between the Mamba, S1SO, & Angel are HUGE, totally dispels the theory that all hi gainers sound the same through mts

First day honeymoon continues...
would love to hear some of those "friendlier VH tones" when you get clips posted

congrats on the killer S1S0

was going to have Trace do me up a voodoo recto but I think I'll
wait until I hear your clips - might be getting me a S1S0 instead :D
^When I was deciding on modules, I think you may have swayed me with your comments on the S1SO "Nails it"!

if your taking riff requests, anything from II or W&C1st would be spectacular
LOL <Hand slaps forehead>

I thought it may be some new 2011 MenaceCore band I never heard of