Salvation BENZIN mod

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ok guys, here is only small cocktail snack
bigger, better, faster and more clips will be soon(?)
I thought that Benzin is only "dark" mod, but after a bit tweaking can be piercing too :)
Benzin mod in real wild mix
Rising Farce said:
Did you play the keys as well?

Thanks, Keys played Mani from
mix did Steeltormentor
drums did Pedro by mouse :)
I played everything else (thanks Ray for ART V3 preamp, which I use for bass)
JKD said: idea if it sounds like the real thing...


the answer would be HELL yes.

the VH4 tone is there. the Herbert CH2+ is there.
Nice work Anthony! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
eddyrox said:
JKD said: idea if it sounds like the real thing...


the answer would be HELL yes.

the VH4 tone is there. the Herbert CH2+ is there.
Nice work Anthony! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

WOW! I don't think you have enough yet. LOL

Very impressive setup. 8)
eddyrox said:
JKD said: idea if it sounds like the real thing...

the answer would be HELL yes.

the VH4 tone is there. the Herbert CH2+ is there.
Nice work Anthony! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Nice setup...when I had a Benzin module it sounded a tad sterile and overly compressed generally...which is why I wondered if the real amp was too...

My preferred channel by far was the ch3 but can't remember if +/- .... that one was actually pretty nice.
I finally played on my Benzin last night and was pretty blown away. It's exactly what I've been looking for and paired with my Gigmods Mark it's even better. Unfortunately I'm going to have to sell my Salvado Deluxe soon as I only have an RM100C and I'm sitting on 6 modules so if anyone is looking for a Salvation Salvado Deluxe, it will be up in the classifieds by the weekend.
I'm wondering if that "sterile" feel is just a matter of burning in the mods- playing them for 50 hours or so. I liked my Orange Stonerverb when I got it, but I remember thinking it was a bit sterile in the beginning, making me lower the treble below 12 oclock

Now there is nothing but tone awesome-ness coming out of that mod, the tone sounds good from 9-3oclock depending on what I seek.

Hmmm...this would have been good to know before I flipped a few mods- where art thou Angel, Loneclean, Benzin? I bet they're burned in and rockin now