salvation Matchvox help....?

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Well-known member
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
Beacon, NY
This is a good mod for me. It's sort of two things. a snappy cleanish mod and a mid gain thing, warm and a bit thin in the mids.

The thing I am not getting is when does the 'cut' knob come into play. i can get almost the tone I am looking for, which is that burning, about to break full sound of the AC30 but my tone setting seem to be messing it up. BASS is about as bass goes but after 3:00 it turns to muffled mush. TREBLE works counter clockwise and i can't get much response from CUT

Also, I can;t seem to get that low down burning feel, if you know what I mean, like a real AC30. that smoldering breakup underneath the clear tone.

I have a RM50 Combo with 6CA7's and a V30. I'm using old telefunkens in the mod

Thks for any suggestions you can give
I use a MV for my clean tone and love it! For Queen-esque gain tones, I throw a Suhr Riot in front of it. Anyways. I EQ mine like so-
Volume- Maxed
Bass- 3 O'clock
Treble- 2 O'clock
Cut- 10 O'clock
Master- Maxed
Boost- Off

I also tend to push the power amp a little by running the master volume quite high.

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