Continued below...
Hi guys! Sorry I'm late, but the experiment is finished.
At the beginning of general points:
1. On the module it is possible to obtain only 2, 3 and 4 channel of VH4. So, clean channel we I have not tested.
2. Modules include return original Diezel VH4S head.
3. Complete chain this:
Ibanez AX1220 japan( seymour duncan JB)- M4/VH4s- Mesa 4x12(V30)- SM57- sound card - PC
First impression of the V.age4 module were very good. Sound and feel while playing the guitar were very similar to the original (all three modes).
However, more detailed study revealed the following differences:
1. EQ work differently. The module clearly less high (crispy) frequencies than the original. Yes I know that is not bright at all VH4s amplifier but in the module, treble was even less. Another oddity was held that when twisting the treble knob to the right, the sound became poisonous. Appeared strange mids unpleasant to the ear.
2. In Salvation module significantly more gain in each mode than in the original head. In fact, it's not bad, but the mode of Channel 4 was a little too thick, inflated and smooth. Reducing the gain to a level of 8.00 hours to rectify the situation a bit, but it was not easy to play.
3. Module for all three modes sound more smooth and soft compared to the head. But the blow characteristic Diezel amps and I was happy about that!
This is only the differences, you can not call them weak or strong points.
We recorded a few samples first 4 cycles sounds VH4S, and the following 4 cycles sounds salvation mods.
EQ and gain settings were different (they are listed below), as we wanted to approximate the sound examples.
Settings CH2:
Vh4s: gain-12.00, treble-12.00, mid-12.00, bass-12.00, bright- on
V.age4: gain-10.00, treble-15.00, mid-11.00, bass-11.00
Settings CH3:
Vh4s: gain-12.00, treble-12.00, mid-12.00, bass-12.00
V.age4: gain-10.00, treble-15.00, mid-11.00, bass-10.00
Settings CH4:
Vh4s: gain-11.00, treble-12.00, mid-12.00, bass-12.00
V.age4: gain-8.00, treble-15.00, mid-11.00, bass-10.00
full clips:
My personal conclusions I will write after your guys :wink: