Salvation Mods Reviews

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
Reaction score
I was wondering if those members who own or have owned any Salvation modded modules, would put up some reviews on them ??

Say, the Custom 3, Salvado De Luxe, Mamba, Benzin etc....

Heard the clips, love them, but some extra info would be great!
i just got four modules.

Custom 3

they all sound great, but i really need to play with em some more before I can give a detailed review.
fuzzyguitars said:
i just got four modules.

Custom 3

they all sound great, but i really need to play with em some more before I can give a detailed review.

DUUUUDE! :shock: :twisted:
fuzzyguitars said:
i just got four modules.

Custom 3

they all sound great, but i really need to play with em some more before I can give a detailed review.

You wouldn't happen to be related to bill gates would you?

Dam that's a bit of cash spent! :)
Ok, here's my problem, I'm sorting out my new RM4 Rig, here's the idea I have :

1. Deluxe
2. Phish
3. Custom 3 or Benzin
4. Mamba

I can't decide between the Custom 3 or the Benzin. The Mamba is going to be my metal sound, so do I really need the Custom 3?
For the 3rd position on my RM4 I'm looking for a good Hard Rock - Atl metal sound. How heavy does the Benzin get? Coz the clip didn't sound too heavy IMO.
buriedorburned said:
I can't decide between the Custom 3 or the Benzin.
These two are really different. Custom, let me say thrash metal, very pronounced sound. And good players will apreciate perfect dynamics. Benzin is another point of view - huge, dark, bigbottom gainy monster. IMO best for alternative metal/rock (Tool, APC, Muse etc) For example I must have both :)

buriedorburned said:
How heavy does the Benzin get? Coz the clip didn't sound too heavy IMO.
Benzin has biggest amount of gain and basses from all salvation?s mods. I feel that problem is in terminology. You must exactly define what is HEAVY SOUND for you. Because for me this Muse sample sounds huge ;)

PS: More gain on tap will have only announced HELLRAISER :twisted:
Yeah, I've heard the the Custom 3 is very versitile aswell. So, I imagine that can pull off hard rock - Alt Metal too. But I love the Benzin tone, and I'm dead interested in getting it.
Ok, I think i'm going to lay off the Phish for now, and get both the Benzin and the Custom 3.