Salvation Push/Pull Density and Presence Pots

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2010
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Surprised this hasn't made its way here yet...

Wow I am really curious about this now, I don't really like the Presence and Density stock knobs, I'd like to see what he has done.
Unless I'm missing it somewhere, what's the additional dimension? I'm very soon planning to be pull my board and send it to Rob for the correct pots, etc.. so curious about this now..
Yeah, what is this? Is there some sort of circuit change attached to the pots? I would like to hear it.
What does this do? Fix some sort of problem or add a new feature? The ones on my RM50 seem to work fine?
I posted a question over a week ago on the Salvation facebook page about this...Never got a response. Still have no idea what this does. Some clips or a little bit of info and he might sell a few....
Yeah if it makes a big/good enough change, I definitely want one. But I won't buy one if I have no idea what it does lol
It's well known that the presence/density pot values in the early RM100s were wrong (not sure about the RM50s). This seems like it offers something more than just a fix for that, though.
Does it improve the presence on RM50? I noticed the presence on my RM50 increases only when you turn the knob from 9-12 (0-12 max)? I don't hear any presence effect from 1-9..
Anomaly said:
Does it improve the presence on RM50? I noticed the presence on my RM50 increases only when you turn the knob from 9-12 (0-12 max)? I don't hear any presence effect from 1-9..

My guess is yes. There were two versions of the boards on the RM50's and it sounds like you have the old one.
As near as I can figure this gives you two different ranges of presence. From the description Antonin posted it sounded like the circuit has been modded to have more midrange cut.

There is a small jumper on the board that allows it to mimic the stock control but I think even with that jumper in place there is a different type of capacitor on the board....Ive' no idea if the push/pull functions so you get two different presence ranges in the 'jumper stock' mode.
JKD said:
As near as I can figure this gives you two different ranges of presence. From the description Antonin posted it sounded like the circuit has been modded to have more midrange cut.

There is a small jumper on the board that allows it to mimic the stock control but I think even with that jumper in place there is a different type of capacitor on the board....Ive' no idea if the push/pull functions so you get two different presence ranges in the 'jumper stock' mode.

Thanks for the description- Still we are all a little in the dark and kind of guessing. Why not answer your customer's questions? Or post a clip?