Johnny Wadd
Well-known member
Hi everyone!
I wanted to take a few minutes and share my recent experience with Antonin and Salvation Mods.
This is not intended to be a Modder v Modder comparison, nor is it meant to trigger that kind of debate.
For the record, I am relatively new to the Randall MTS amps, and apparently I'm very late to the party! I have never ordered a product directly from ANY modder, I'm always lurking around scraping up modules on the used market right from this very forum, and like I said earlier, I'm sharing my experience.
After doing a video with Matt Fig on the C-Watt module and after playing through it and hearing it up close and personal, I decided to pull the trigger and order one for myself.
On September 20th, I boxed up my stock XTC module and took it to the post office to be shipped halfway around the world to the Czech Republic. I filled out a small customs form, paid my 20 bucks, and away it went. Now, all I had to do was wait.. (like a kid waiting for Christmas morning).
On September 27th, I received an email from Antonin at Salvation Mods stating that my module arrived, and work would start on the transformation of my bland and boring XTC, into the much desired C-Watt
(kudos to the postal services in each country, it only took 7 days to send something around the world for 20 bucks)
So, I waited anxiously...
wondering when I could actually have it in my hands and hear that tone. I was fully expecting it be a while, based on some wayward comments I've seen around the forum, but I really wasn't in a big hurry anyway.
Time goes by...
October 9th, I received an email from Antonin stating that my mod was complete ! All in all, the work was done in about 12 days.
I quickly sent payment via Paypal, and the next day I received a tracking number for the shipment.
Well, it arrived today! October 14th.
23 days, a round trip of about 9000 miles, and I now own my very first directly ordered module.
The quality of the work is top notch, the quality of the tone is impeccable, the customer service and time from start to finish is great!
Thank you Antonin of Salvation Mods, I couldn't be happier !
I highly recommend using Salvation Mods ! You Rock ! \m/
I wanted to take a few minutes and share my recent experience with Antonin and Salvation Mods.
This is not intended to be a Modder v Modder comparison, nor is it meant to trigger that kind of debate.
For the record, I am relatively new to the Randall MTS amps, and apparently I'm very late to the party! I have never ordered a product directly from ANY modder, I'm always lurking around scraping up modules on the used market right from this very forum, and like I said earlier, I'm sharing my experience.
After doing a video with Matt Fig on the C-Watt module and after playing through it and hearing it up close and personal, I decided to pull the trigger and order one for myself.
On September 20th, I boxed up my stock XTC module and took it to the post office to be shipped halfway around the world to the Czech Republic. I filled out a small customs form, paid my 20 bucks, and away it went. Now, all I had to do was wait.. (like a kid waiting for Christmas morning).
On September 27th, I received an email from Antonin at Salvation Mods stating that my module arrived, and work would start on the transformation of my bland and boring XTC, into the much desired C-Watt
So, I waited anxiously...
Time goes by...
October 9th, I received an email from Antonin stating that my mod was complete ! All in all, the work was done in about 12 days.
I quickly sent payment via Paypal, and the next day I received a tracking number for the shipment.
Well, it arrived today! October 14th.
23 days, a round trip of about 9000 miles, and I now own my very first directly ordered module.
The quality of the work is top notch, the quality of the tone is impeccable, the customer service and time from start to finish is great!
Thank you Antonin of Salvation Mods, I couldn't be happier !
I highly recommend using Salvation Mods ! You Rock ! \m/