Should I buy an RM 50?

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
Central CA
I've got an RM 20 talk me into buying an RM 50? Obviously you're gonna say the headroom is larger.....but.....I run my 20 thru an ISP sub/crossover system....I get BIG headroom with that....I'm not gigging any tell me.....why? I mean I want one and prolly would put freaking KT-88's in it or something stupidly loud......or maybe talk me out of it.. :lol: :lol: :oops: :roll: :lol:
Juggernaut said:
2 channels vs 1 channel.

I would, but I'm a power *****, I usually only use 100 watters. :)

I only play teh brutz though......but......I do have 3 modules and 1 having a 50 would be a nice place to store the other modules.. :oops: :lol:
shred-o-holic said:
I only play teh brutz though

Me too. :lol:

I'm retarded about the 50 - 100 watt, I've got something blocking my brain telling me anything less than 100 just isn't enough :lol: oh well, works for me.

I'd do it it were me, if any other reason, you'll be running different power tubes, and therefore getting different results, more tonal options. :D
Get a RM4 and run it through the RM20 as a power amp. 4 slots > 2 slots.

I'm a RM50B owner. I wish I got a RM4/power amp/cab in pieces. Oh well, big deal, I saved money.