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Oh I want the mamba SO BAD... but unfortuneatly I only have about half that in cash. Too bad you don't want a set neck Dean Explorer with EMGs lol
Wow...thought I was hallucinating when I saw the Mamba up, then I came back and saw the Angel. I'd love a second one but am flat broke until something sells.....GL!
This is a small rant (and free bump hehe) about the prices of the modules, lately. I understand the economy is rough, but I've been stunned by some of the prices on modules here lately. I'm not sure if some of the sellers and buyers have actually gone through the process of having a module modded, but it is not cheap, nor is it necessarily fast, sometimes taking many, many weeks. I'm not divulging any of the modders prices, but I've seen modules going for *less* than the cost of the mod work it took to have them modded. So essentially, some of these modules have been practically given away, and then the mod work that has been done on them has been given a discount on top of that. When I got into MTS a whole TWO MONTHS ago, the prices for Salvation modules reflect what Ray is asking for the Mamba and Angel, and I bought a number of my modules at this price, which I think is reasonable, given the monetary cost and time it takes to have one of these talented modders give their time and attention to. Anyways, I was just thinking that the prices lately are creating a situation where some of the newer people to the MTS line think these are normal prices, which they are indeed not - at least not from what I have seen. I'm glad to see Ray asking what these modules are worth, as much as I've enjoyed buying a couple modules for dirt cheap myself. I knew, however, that it can't keep going on like that, and that the market will need to correct itself soon, or people will probably stop selling their modules, or stop having them modded, or who knows what. So /rant off and free bump, man! :)
the market is tough....I have an axe I priced to move, but these mods are priced at value. If they don't sell, I won't drop the number to $300, I'll happily keep them! These are on the market to fund my GAS for an axe I found on another site, but I may have to find cash elsewhere or just <gasp> not get the new axe

If I can sell one, I can get the new axe...this may be a one day sale here as my seller needs an answer today

I'll consider best offers- note 300 is declined
I am in total agreement with you, Corey. I've been seeing some really great modded modules go for way under what they are worth. Ray is asking a fair price on both, maybe even slightly discounted looking at everything. The work of all the modders if amazing and when you factor Salvation mods going overseas it is crazy letting them go for anything under $400 IMO.

If I didn't already have a module in process/completed with a Mamba mod I'd definitely have jumped on this 8) Someone help Ray out and take these off his hands, he's a great guy to deal with.
Yep +1 here too...I know I've sold several modules (have two up now) that I'm taking a significant loss on...It sucks but it seems to be the only way to move modules without sitting on them for a month or more...

I hope Ray gets what he's asking as both modules are top notch and in high demand...Plus, he's done a million solid deals here...I feel so left out not having had one with him too.... :) WIsh I could buy the Angel...Just can't...
Hell i'll take the mamba if you'll ship to Canada and eat the shipping.I'll lose the 15 bucks on currancy exchange.Let me know $400. U.S and you eat the shipping
crankyrayhanky said:
the market is tough....I have an axe I priced to move, but these mods are priced at value. If they don't sell, I won't drop the number to $300, I'll happily keep them! These are on the market to fund my GAS for an axe I found on another site, but I may have to find cash elsewhere or just <gasp> not get the new axe

If I can sell one, I can get the new axe...this may be a one day sale here as my seller needs an answer today

I'll consider best offers- note 300 is declined

PM'd offer on Angel :)
I didn't mean to insult the OP, or Anthony's work. But I do think $400 is high, when you consider;

Used stock high gainer = $100-$125
Modification = $200-$220
Int. shipping = $25-$50

This is not to say the modules are not awesome. They are. But $400 is simply paying more for faster delivery. I wasn't around some months back, but this is the first I've seen modules listed for this kind of dough.

Unless you're talking about vintage guitars or specialized stuff, taking a loss on 95% of gear is par for the course. As far as "worth" of something, that's up to the market to decide, and based on buyer interest, it appears these modules are in that Gibson & Fender club of "appreciating value". So, I'd say this is a good thing for all of us.

Personally, I think Ant should be charging more for his mods...good as they are. I hope the OP has a bidding war and gets $500.
I'd say some of those figures are a touch on the low side, at least from my experience. But even if they were right on, you're still looking at about $400 PLUS about 2 months wait time, plus time and effort shipping. I agree with you about the modules themselves depreciating (which is why you can get high gainers for ~$125, as opposed to the $200-$300 they sell for new), but I am not sure I agree about the modder's work depreciating that heavily, nor the wait time not being a factor at all. Personally, I'd pay $25-$50 for an item I wanted if it meant I'd get it 2 months quicker and not have to do any sort of shipping. But I have had several modules modded by Anthony, and have been incredibly pleased with every one, and obviously thought the wait was more than worth it. And I would also agree with you about Anthony's work (and Pete's and Rob's, too, even if you didn't mention them) - they are incredibly talented individuals, and every module they imbue their time and talent into makes those modules into little works of art, if you ask me, which is why they (should) hold their value so well, IMHO.
riff19 said:
I didn't mean to insult the OP, or Anthony's work. But I do think $400 is high, when you consider;

Used stock high gainer = $100-$125
Modification = $200-$220
Int. shipping = $25-$50

This is not to say the modules are not awesome. They are. But $400 is simply paying more for faster delivery. I wasn't around some months back, but this is the first I've seen modules listed for this kind of dough.

Unless you're talking about vintage guitars or specialized stuff, taking a loss on 95% of gear is par for the course. As far as "worth" of something, that's up to the market to decide, and based on buyer interest, it appears these modules are in that Gibson & Fender club of "appreciating value". So, I'd say this is a good thing for all of us.

Personally, I think Ant should be charging more for his mods...good as they are. I hope the OP has a bidding war and gets $500.

This kind of post is out of line in every classifieds forum there is...
FYI: I'm not raking in a profit, regardless of your audit, I'm still taking a small loss on these deals.

Angel stays with me (for now....)

Thanks to everyone for the interest, the offers (even you low ballers, lol), the support....I'll post pics of the new axe when it arrives! 8)
If I would've had to bet who loved the Mamba the most - I would have guessed Ray...But I just figured it out...If Ray is anything like me (which I hope for his sake he isn't)...He misses that one "extra" toggle switch that makes your most beloved module even better...

Looking forward to seeing the new axe and eventually hearing your opinion of the punch switch... :lol:
Mattfig said:
If I would've had to bet who loved the Mamba the most - I would have guessed Ray...But I just figured it out...If Ray is anything like me (which I hope for his sake he isn't)...He misses that one "extra" toggle switch that makes your most beloved module even better...

Looking forward to seeing the new axe and eventually hearing your opinion of the punch switch... :lol:

I think it's more to do with the fact of how awesome the Angel is.....I didn't low bid by much..sadly I'll have to wait ;-)
oops, that wasn't a shot at you, or a few others who came close to the asking price- great offers

The Angel is awesome and has been elevated to my top spot now, but that Mamba inspired me to write some of my alltime favorite riffs. I'll be looking for again as soon as cash permits