Solid cheap USB mic preamp?

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2011
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So I've finally decided I want to record some stuff. I'm looking for a decent USB preamp that I can use with a SM57/58 to record my rig. I'm looking for the best sound quality I can get for around $200 or so. I hear so many great demos and whatnot from you guys I figured who better to ask.

I'll be recording with Reaper and I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. The last thing I used to record myself was an old 4 track that used cassette tapes back in the early 90's.
I use the Line 6 UX2. I dig it and it came with PodFarm and GearBox which are like amp/effects plugin programs. Not the best tones but some are very useful for bass and vocals. Its got two 1/4" inputs and two XLR inputs as well as assignable meters to watch your signal for clipping. Definitely worth looking at.
ncsouthpaw said:
The last thing I used to record myself was an old 4 track that used cassette tapes back in the early 90's.

You too? I still have mine and keep thinking of using it to track ideas. IMO, it's quicker & easier to record some riffs than having to do the whole computer thing. Obviously, it's not great quality, but at least it doesn't hinder the creative riff-writing process. Currently, I just use my phone for quick on the spot riffs.
At this price point I would suggest going for the cleanest sounding option - the Presonus Audiobox 22VSL. You won't get boutique level microphone preamps, but there is enough clean headroom and usable gain to get solid recordings with it.