Sound Difference Between RM4 And SYN1/2?

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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2008
Reaction score
Berlin, Germany
We had some talk about a possible sound difference between the RM4 and SYN1 and 2. As I was curious if there is a noticeable difference, me and a friend of mine decided to record them both for a direct comparison. First file is the clean channel of Salvations´dual channel Humble Overdive. Second file is the second channel of Salvations´JJ Dirt dual channel module.

First half of the riffs was played through a dual channel RM4, second half through a SYN2 preamp.

Signal chain: guitar -> peamp -> sound card -> Ableton Live -> Redwirez Bogner 2x12 cab sim.

Tokai custom strat for clean
ESP Horizon custom for high gain

Use these two links, to have a listen:
Well, I noticed the same difference between M4 and SYN2.

Synergy is brighter and clearer.
Thanks for sharing that - yeah there's more HF on the Syn, some may call it raspiness. Other than that, pretty similar.
I cannot really hear significant differences to be honest.
This means, getting a dual modded RM4 is a super good option since there is no Syn-4