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I really haven't much time to experiment with the Trilogy. Got one practice and one show in since I got it a couple of weeks ago. My rehearsal space is 45 minutes away from home, so it's just sitting there taunting me until sunday. Gotta show on wednesday also so hopefully I can get more comfortable with it on sunday.

I also had one practice and one show in with the KH3 (that was the week before I got the Trilogy). It actually sounded ok at practice, but it wilted on stage.

Perhaps it was the mic or just a bad soundman, but it was terrible. All fizz, no bottom end...backed off the gain and it just had no grit. Kept frantically adjusting all settings between songs trying not to sound like ***. Just a horrible time on stage that night.

I was ready to end my relationship with Randall right there. Got my Trilogy in the mail a couple of days later & it really didn't sound much better. I was really starting to think the entire MTS setup was weak.

I got it home, swapped out the EH tube in the amp itself for a JJ I had laying around and it totally changed everything.

Played it live again last wednesday night using both the KH3 and Trilogy and it now sounds tremendously different with the V3 change. Made a huge tonal difference.

Didn't really have time to dial everything in the way I wanted, but decided to hang on to everything awhile longer instead of all chunking it out a window or listing it on ebay!
is V3 the common preamp tube that is ahred with V1 and V2 in the modules?

Would you all say that the trilogy is a good lead channel modules with all those mids? I would think it would cut well, even all the other high gain channels that willbe going on around it?
Totenkampf said:
is V3 the common preamp tube that is ahred with V1 and V2 in the modules?

Would you all say that the trilogy is a good lead channel modules with all those mids? I would think it would cut well, even all the other high gain channels that willbe going on around it?

V3 (in the amp, close to the input jack) is shared by the modules.

I guess it depends on your taste. It would certainly make a good lead channel for most people in the hard rock or metal realms. I really bought it for big, chunky, Eeevil rhythm riffing...and I'm kindofa one trick pony anyway

I'm a pretty simple guy when it comes to playing. Our other guitarist is really a lead man. I throw in quite a few short fills, but don't really like switching channels to do it. (He has a big pedal board. I prefer a guitar/cable/amp.

For my taste, I kinda like the KH3 for leads. It has a very fluid sustain and very pronounced voice that really stands out. The way I have the Trilogy set up for rhythm, it is very thin sounding for lead work...may have to break out a footswitch now and switch to the KH3 for fills