Ultra Mod Help - Please!! - JUST ADDED PIC!

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Active member
Mar 15, 2007
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I love the gain and the amount of different tones I can get with the Black Stripe Ultra but It would be perfect if I could fatten it up to get the same sloppy sag bottom end of my Black Stripe SL+. The "C3" is not an orange drop cap but instead a rectangular piece of plastic something. (what is that???) If I put in an orange cap would this help get the same big bottom end as my SL+. I don't mind experimenting but I am not sure if I take that plastic thing out of the "C3" will I ruin my Ultra. I am not really interested in tightening up my Ultra.

Humm....that's the opposite direction of what most people want, but tastes do vary.

What wording/numbering is on the cap currently in C3?

According to this diagram...


it's probably an .0047, but best make double-sure, then we could make recommendations.
I took a great pic of the cap that is in my Ultra Module but I cant seem to figure out how to post it. If anyone can help please let me know. I cant seem to figure out the value on it with the writing on it. Like I said, it is not an orange drop cap.

Try a free image posting site like http://photobucket.com/
Make an account, upload your picture to their site, and then copy the code that's meant for forums and you should be good.
A pic would be great, or just post the wording/numbering and somebody here can probably figure out the value from that.
I figured it out - thanks man!

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but that should be:

+/- 5% tolerance

For what you are wanting to accomplish, I'd start with a .0047u like this:


If that doesn't work for ya, then try this but I have a feeling it would be way too mushy/undefined:

Voodoo said:
If I put in an orange cap would this help get the same big bottom end as my SL+.

What value is currently in C3 in your SL+ module?

I don't mind experimenting but I am not sure if I take that plastic thing out of the "C3" will I ruin my Ultra.

As long as you are careful with a decent soldering iron, it should be fine. If you don't like the new cap value, just put the original back in.
Chad said:
2.2 what?

2.2nF = .0022uF

Yup. 2.2 x 10^-9 = 0.0022 x 10^-6

FWIW my Ultra has a 0.001uF cap in and it's tight as a gnatt's chuff! :D