Using GCX & G major with Mesa (L) - Randall RM4/ RM100

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Well-known member
Apr 20, 2009
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Detroit burbs
Does anyone know the best way to run the rm4 in a loop of a RM100 using the gmajor for the head sometimes and the RM4 modules sometimes via switching system (GCX)?

I am utilizing the 2 stereo ins / outs of my g major with 2 heads at the moment. I want to add a Randall RM4 preamp in the fx loop of the RM100, have fx and be able to use the stock head with fx sometimes. I realize the gmajor will only utilize either the RM100 or RM4 at a time. I have the gcx / gc pro and I was told it would work but how is it routed? If I were not using fx this would be simple but I want to toggle between the rm4 or rm100 modules with the gmajor available for either (one at a time). The other channel of the g major will be used on the other amp rig (mesa / left channel) seperate from the mixing of the RM4 and RM100 (right channel).
Check this and see if you've got any questions. This should get you going. I can email it to you too.

Killer! Thanks a million. We may be having a Randall tonefest in the near future. You are cordially invited.
Basically I want to use the RM4 like the Egnater E2

I set everything up as described and it works for the rm100 but nothing on the rm4. I am able to get all of the functions of the rm4 working when using the rm4 in place of the rm100 in the gcx. I think this setup on the diagram works if I have a poweramp for the rm4 but I am wanting to share the power one at a time on the rm100. Basically using the rm4 modules or switching to use the rm100 modules but both the rm4 and rm100 modules would be using the rm100 for power but not at the same time. I can't figure out where the rm4 oputput (not fx loop out) would go? I also have a midi issue on the rm4. It passes midi to other devices and works with a rm100 footwsitch (3 channels only) but it will not change module channels via midi. I went thru the gc pro on every channel and combination to no avail although the rm100 and all other midi devices work via midi. Maybe a blown internal midi fuse? I know my 2 rm100s are on channel 1 but my lynch box is on channel 9. I cant get the RM4 to resond to anything midi besides the footswitch and it passes midi fine.
I run 2 M4's into the gcx Loop 1 and loop 2 and my Mod50 series loop out to loop3 in a 4 cable configuration. Its a little tricky to do but Bruce walked me through it. I now have 20 channels and any amp tone at the push of a button on the GCP. :D you can run the mesa on and A/B set up or run it out of the buffered line /on all the time.
I sent you a pm. If you need later I can do a play by play on each cable to and from each jack.
Ok. thanks. Everything works now (EXCEPT MIDI).

I had 2 cords next to each other that got mixed send / return of the rm4.

Question: The rm4 still works even when loop 4 is on and sounds louder, better. When the rm100 is on then loop 4 off sounds louder and better. I don't want to do any damage. I also hear a cyclical ticking noise no matter what.

I tried the ebtech hum eliminator electrical plug with no results. Is the guitar cord type better or a waste of money? Do you find that the rm4 sounds better than the same module in the head? I am thinking more tubes in the rm4 mixed with the ones in the rm100 is a thicker tone?
I program each modules channel a number 1-20 (ch A 1 ch B 2 ch A 3 ch B 4 etc ....) and if the rm4 is on Loop 3 then loop 4 is off and vice versa. I also have each module not being used programed to #65 so it is off/muted. I dont have a hum eliminator or any noise at all.