What is your favorite mod? What is the best mod?

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Hey Kev- Are you ever going to have a thread where you dont bash the Judge?? Laughing Laughing

haha no, I don't mind the judge. Sounds good at what it does and I like it now. Buuuuut the minute i A/B it against the Hillie, it gets eaten for breakfast, lunch AND dinner.
1) What is your favorite module? It can be a stock module or a modded module. Egnater, Randall, JF, DF, Salvation, Pete, Voodoo, SG, ect.

SG XTC LE is a module that just oozes soul and tone. I can stay on just that module for hours at a time.

2) What do you think is the best module? If you can't decide, make a list of 3 mods.

a. SG XTC LE - best module I've played to date
b. SG Fisch - best module I've played for mid-gain
c. Friedman-corrected Mr. Scary - awesome modded marshal tone..

Agree 110% with the splooge comment above, but its fun to see what other people are loving.
Latest is always favorite....and currently that's the Camerock! \m/

Loving it so much, am considering asking Antonin for one in a Dual Module format...and that's a pretty big deal since it'll be about $700 including the donor....maybe I should just try and snag a CCV? :-D
-My current favorite is the Salvation Stonerverb (So versatile and crunchy with great note definition)
-The best module is the Salvation Mash-all (The perfect marshall sound....has not left my RM80 since I got it...and never will)

I've played all the stock Randalls, Egnaters and several custom mods. These are the only 2 modules I use in my stereo rig. They sound so good and compliment each other so well I haven't heard anything better....I'm done looking for modules....at least that's what I tell myself.
I wish I had more to compare, as I have only had 10 or so. But it is easily the 1959 RR plat from JF. It has not left it's slot since I got it. It can just do so much. From cleans with a little grit to all out low end brutal gain in jcm900 mode with the extra gain stage. You could do any gig with this one module.
My second is the Pete modded SL+. My favorite for high gain as the mids are voiced just right and it has major balls. It's only downfall is that it does that tone only. It does it very well though just not as versatile as the 59.
For cleans or as a pedal platform I truly love the stock blackface. I run el34 and it doesn't sound quite like a twin but I prefer it to have some more mids than a fender would normally have. Sounds so good with a tube driver or a good fuzz pedal.
My favorite is the Jaded Faith Plexi-Tweed, there are so may colors and different "feels" in this thing. It doesn't do high gain, but if I didn't need high gain...this would be the one. If I could only have a guitar with PAFish pickups, a fuzz pedal, and this module....I could stay happy for quite awhile. Again, it wouldn't be my choice for "most versatile" or high gain, but I've just bonded with it for some reason.

As far as the best, I guess that's subjective, but I would have to say JF 59RR Plat or JF XTC. Both of them can do so much, anyone could probably play a whole gig with either of them.
My current favorite is my 59RR custom (#39 mod rather than diode clipping) it covers basically any high gain marhsall tone i want , in JMP mode it covers classic rock very well my favorite combo of the switches for classic rock is JMP mode, Classic switch up, 2 stage gain...
My current #2 is the markX it does all the metal stuff that the 59rr doesnt and does it extremely well
#3 is my JF modified XTC Custom it has a 2 way tight switch and a 2 way mid Cut/Boost and sounds nothing like any of my other mods.
Favorite module: Salvation Camerock. I admit I'm still in the honeymoon period, but DANG this thing is kicking my high gain ***. It may not have as much overall tonal variety as my best module ever below, but it has so much variety within the high gain genre. This sets it apart for me, because I'm such a high gain nutcase.

Best module made: Jaded Faith XTC. It just has the greatest tonal range of any module I've heard, much less played. Great plexi clean, plexi pushed, Blue mode can nail the Soldano SLO crunch, and red mode goes from Rectifier to Shiva/Ecstacy 20th Anniv tones. The true 'desert island' module.