What module simulates a Soldano-ey tone?

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Aug 28, 2006
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Last night I came up with an awesome tone on my Line6 Flextone II combo modelling amp, to try and develop the tone I want to match the Mesa/Boogie MarkIV amp head I'll be buying in the future.

The MarkIV is going to have a rather sizzling, razor-sharp crunchy aggressive seething distortion tone, the way I'll set it. It'll be quite mid-scooped (750Hz ducked out), but enough mids to keep it fat. Plus with an external EQ unit in the effects loop, I might spike an odd midrange frequency band for an interesting edge

So therefore, the tone I want for the modules to go into my soon-to-be-owned Randall RM50, is pretty deep, chunky, midrange-THICK "rrraugh".

Both amps of course will need to do full-on CHUG. Of course the markIV will, but I am hoping that an MTS module will too, it has to for this tone.

The tone I came up with used the following settings. It is very slighty murky, but would be easily fixed if I used my BBE Sonic Stomp Maximiser pedal as well as an external EQ in the effects loop.

This would be the dry amp tone.

Amp model- Soldano X88R preamp
Gain- 8.0
Bass- 4.0
Midrange - 8.0
Treble- 6.5
Presence- 2.0
Master volume- 10.0
Reverb- 3.0

If you have a Soldano-like amp and dial up these settings, with a Les Paul-type electric guitar with a Seymour Duncan Invader pickup in the bridge, you'll hear what I'm after.

So, what would be the best MTS amp module to achieve a tone like this?

I look forward to your replies,
Would the XTC be suitable? I heard a sample and sounds good.

If anyone has some advice, PLEASE respond, thank you.
the XTC will get you there.it's kinda chunky and more of a "lead" tone module.also,i'm told that the Ultra-Lead fits your desired tone as well...
goldwing68nv said:
the XTC will get you there.it's kinda chunky and more of a "lead" tone module.also,i'm told that the Ultra-Lead fits your desired tone as well...

Thanks, I'll definitely take a closer look at the XTC. I'm not too familiar with Bogner amps........

As I said earlier, the module/tones I'm looking for should compliment the Mesa/Boogie MarkIV. The MarkIV itself can be set heaps of different ways, but the special things about Boogie amps that make them special, there's still that kinda sound that they don't do (but are trying to do with the Stiletto).

So in a way I'm looking for a heavy Marshall-sounding preamp, very deep and lots of strong midrange and also that upper midrange, and can cut through. It has to be high-gain.

Once I can record and post my audio sample, will help everyone alot with what I'm asking about. But the XTC clip I heard again after reading your response goldwing68nv, is quite similar to what I'm searching for.

What I DON'T want, is a Recto tone! Recto's can make great sounds, the sample that Jimosity did of the Ultra, where he said it sounds more like a real Boogie Recto than the MTS recto, sounded great. But it's not what I'm after, at all.
Don't know about mts modules,
but Egnater MHG module can be dialled to sound a lot like soldano.. Especially with bright switch on and open up treble a little more.
Really, to be honest, I don't think the Ultra lead or XTC is even close to a Soldano tone. From the clips I've heard, the grail probably comes close.
i've played the "Grail" module and it's ALL Boogie recto-type tone...there's not a Soldano/Marshall-esque "bone" in its circuitry...
Jrm4 said:
Don't know about mts modules,
but Egnater MHG module can be dialled to sound a lot like soldano.. Especially with bright switch on and open up treble a little more.

I don't own one, but I have heard this too. Soldanos use 5881 power tubes (6L6 family) as well, so I'd guess an MHG plus a 5881 power section would sound very Soldano-ish.

I tried making a tone that had alot of low-end & low-mid girth that would roar, and the Soldano model on my crappy modelling amp was the best at creating that tone (the Rectified had a different midrange voicing which kinda wrecked the effect).

When I get around to posting the clip you'll better understand what I'm after.

It doesn't exactly have to be a Soldano tone, although that would be very nice, and probably better as I could do more with a Soldano-like module.

Cheers for your help folks 8) .
It is intresting from what you are describing I would never think of a Soldano as a low mid focused amp quite the contrary it is heavy upper mids and a ton of presence that gives that sizzle.
I agree with others that your looking for a more Hot rodded Marshall type tone .id suggest 1086 ,the Mr.Scary if you want soldano crank the mids and flip the bright switch on ..for what it worth I wouldnt say the POD sounds like a Soldano BUT ..I would say it is a cool hi-gain sound
hope this helps
It is intresting from what you are describing I would never think of a Soldano as a low mid focused amp quite the contrary it is heavy upper mids and a ton of presence that gives that sizzle.
I agree with others that your looking for a more Hot rodded Marshall type tone .id suggest 1086 ,the Mr.Scary if you want soldano crank the mids and flip the bright switch on ..for what it worth I wouldnt say the POD sounds like a Soldano BUT ..I would say it is a cool hi-gain sound
hope this helps
i've got a Line 6 Pod Pro rack-mount unit(the original one,not "XT") and i love the "Modern" amp-model selection on it.it models the Soldano X88R preamp from the late '80's and it's the only tone that i use on the pod pro...for digital amp modeling,that particular selection really sounds pretty **** good.i use this pod pro most of the time for those lower volume levels and my mts head when i wanna feel that thumping on my chest & piss off the neighbors!!!
goldwing68nv said:
i've got a Line 6 Pod Pro rack-mount unit(the original one,not "XT") and i love the "Modern" amp-model selection on it.it models the Soldano X88R preamp from the late '80's and it's the only tone that i use on the pod pro...for digital amp modeling,that particular selection really sounds pretty **** good.i use this pod pro most of the time for those lower volume levels and my mts head when i wanna feel that thumping on my chest & piss off the neighbors!!!

yep, that's the one! Soldano X88R preamp, as the "Modern Hi Gain" on the Line6 Flextone II (which is what I currently have).

it sounds great, one of the few models that are actually usable on that thing. It managed to get the tone I'm looking for in an MTS module.

Which I think the XTC will do nicely.

Gtr31- it is quite strange that the soldano model on the Line6 has alot more low-mids than the actual Soldano, which you described as having high-mids and sizzle.
The settings I had, used a very small fraction of presence, and the midrange set higher than the treble.
yep...the "modern high gain" selection is why i bought this unit in the first place.it's the only "one" that i use and along with some of the clean tones,the rest of the amp models are not really very good,as you mentioned...
goldwing68nv said:
yep...the "modern high gain" selection is why i bought this unit in the first place.it's the only "one" that i use and along with some of the clean tones,the rest of the amp models are not really very good,as you mentioned...

Nor are they ever nearly accurate to the sound of a real amp. It bugs me that everyone thinks they know what a Rectifier sounds like when they're usually really very far off.
Today I tried the same settings with the Flextone's "Brit Hi Gain" (Marshall JCM800 model) and in fact it was quite good as well.

The tone was a little more tighter on the lows (very tight, I liked that), had the roar ("raughh" like an angry dog), but the mids weren't as emphasised.

What I think I'll do, is record two tracks of a riff using the same amp settings, but one with the "modern hi gain" and the other "brit hi gain", and layer them in Audacity, and post that- should be a much better representation of the tone I'm looking for.
Iconoclysm said:
goldwing68nv said:
yep...the "modern high gain" selection is why i bought this unit in the first place.it's the only "one" that i use and along with some of the clean tones,the rest of the amp models are not really very good,as you mentioned...

Nor are they ever nearly accurate to the sound of a real amp. It bugs me that everyone thinks they know what a Rectifier sounds like when they're usually really very far off.

Probably because there are alot of Recto users out there that have VERY crappy settings........... and alot of people hear the Recto abused like that.

And, what also really bugs me, is how all the guitar magazines use the Recto sound on the Line6 & Digitech GNX stuff so much, for practically every heavy sound. Unless the tone they are modelling for a song is more mid-gain, EVERY amp sound, whether the original amp was a Marshall or Boogie Mark series or Bogner or Soldano or Cornford or whatever- it's ALWAYS recto!

it's almost like those modelling amps are one-trick ponies, no good for anything else........
the Line 6 stuff,like typical digital modeling amps,have a very tight punchy bottom end...i love that too.great for chugging,palm mutes,etc...i've noticed the same problem,though,where these types of amps give you plenty of highs and lows,but seem to be lacking in the mids dept.this is another reason that this amp-modeling stuff tends to sound somewhat thin.i play my pod pro rack-mount unit through a tube-emulating s/s TubeWorks power amp and then into a std size Mesa cab w/v30 speakers.the vintage 30's definately help the pod pro in the mids where it's lacking...really enhances the tone alot!!!