What module simulates a Soldano-ey tone?

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petejt said:
Iconoclysm said:
goldwing68nv said:
yep...the "modern high gain" selection is why i bought this unit in the first place.it's the only "one" that i use and along with some of the clean tones,the rest of the amp models are not really very good,as you mentioned...

Nor are they ever nearly accurate to the sound of a real amp. It bugs me that everyone thinks they know what a Rectifier sounds like when they're usually really very far off.

Probably because there are alot of Recto users out there that have VERY crappy settings........... and alot of people hear the Recto abused like that.

And, what also really bugs me, is how all the guitar magazines use the Recto sound on the Line6 & Digitech GNX stuff so much, for practically every heavy sound. Unless the tone they are modelling for a song is more mid-gain, EVERY amp sound, whether the original amp was a Marshall or Boogie Mark series or Bogner or Soldano or Cornford or whatever- it's ALWAYS recto!

it's almost like those modelling amps are one-trick ponies, no good for anything else........

It's got nothing to do with a Recto's settings in a live situation. People think the Recto sounds like some bassy fart sound because they play with their PODS too much or because they tried a Rectifier at Guitar Center and turned it up to one and a half and expected their balls to flap in the wind. A true Recto sound is a lot weaker on the gain than the modeled versions, and typically has that Mark series sound but fatter and buzzier. A Rectifier in Vintage mode practically IS a Mark series amp.

Those modelling amps can't, and I repeat can't, get the Recto sound. This is why Mesa made the Recto Recording Preamp (that nobody bought because it cost $900 for one sound).

From what you said over in the Metclub forums, I understand that you have lost respect for the Rectifier because of its popularity. Being a Metclub member, you should know better than to write something off for being too popular. The reason for amps like the Randall and Egnater MTS series is to let us have ALL the sounds we want as accurately as possible because EVERY amp has a good use. A Rectifier side by side with a Marshall is a sound that no amp can ever reproduce, and it's freaking awesome.
yep, that Boogie cab with the celestions would really help.

don't count on the crappy Line6 speaker in the Flextone II combo! it SUCKS! it's like a terrible woof- I had to use an EQ pedal in the effects loop to really boost the mids and trebles to the max and take out the bottom end as the speaker had TOO MUCH, the wrong kind.

Unless you got a good cab, Line6 stuff only sounds okay through the headphones.

I was thinking of replacing the speaker with a 12" Celestion Vintage 30, but now since I'll be getting a Randall half-stack, I'll just keep the Flextone II headphone stuff.
my pod pro is only used for bedroom jamming at those lower type volumes...that's it!!! for live gigs or just crankin' out loud-a tube amp is the only way to go...
I have a Soldano HR50+ XL, which I am selling to fund my Randall rig. I love that amp, and do hope to find a module to replace it. So far, the sound clip I thought came closest, was a short clip of the Ultra Lead a guy put up here a few weeks ago. Sorry, but I don't remember his moniker, he thought his playing was sloppy, but I loved the clip.
If you're looking for a Soldano or Mesa Mark-ish tone, I'd look into the Ultra Lead... I think you'll find that it's got the fat, warm, mid-heavy tone that you're looking for.

From what i was told a while back, the recto module is a direct copy of the slo100 preamp circuit... and it sounds good...

It sounds very similar to the tonelab highgain 'soldano copy', but better - it does not sound buzzy like a mesa can... The name was recently changed to Treadplate but i dont know if the new module was physically changed to sound more like the 'real mesa' or not...

I sold that module (and head) to Lance after I modded it. If you like the SLO tone, I would check out the Ultra Lead and do the cap mod (pretty sure I used an orange drop, not sure what the value was exactly, maybe lance could help more here?) and I think you will be pleased. It's a very nice module indeed! :)

P.S. Yes that clip Lance did with the module WAS badass! :twisted:
Thanks for the kind words Guys... I felt my ears burning

The Ultra Lead I got from Matt does indeed have a .0022 cap, Orange Drop and after comparing it to other values (and caps of the same value)... It's back in.

I also have another Ultra lead that I modded with a different value cap and I also changed the mids a bit for rhythmns.

To me the Ultra Lead reminds me most of my old Mark IV, but without the "barkiness" that that amp had.

I have never been a Soldano guy, too much sizzle to me. But in the old POD I thought that was a killer tone.

I hope this helps !!

hey petejt

did you ever find a module to match that sound you were after ?

I too loved the "modern high gain" setting on my old flextone II , and would like a similar tone for my rhythm crunch sound with the RM100
khingpynn said:
As a Soldano owner I can say that the Mr Scary is very close.

Agreed. I own an X99 preamp and the Mr. Scary is the closest match I've found as well.