What modules to get, boys??

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Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
Sarnia, Ontario Canada

What modules should I get for the blues and a SRV sound? Can anyone tell me some of the artist sounds I'd get with some of the modules??
I'm new to amps and this one imparticular so as an example:

Module? = Jimi Hendrix
Module? = Ac/Dc
Module? = Led Zep
Module? = Collective Soul
Module? = The Black Crowes
Module? = Aerosmith

Thanks guys, much appreciated! The Black Crowes, Aerosmith and SRV are my favorites, so please feel free to help a dude out??

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The answer to all is Plexi or Brahma and there is probably a KH module. Those artists primarily used Plexi's, Hendrix might need a SL.

Aerosmith is actually all over the map but a good Plexi tone will nail 90% or the Brad tones. Perry uses all kinds of funky little amps in the studio.
Pretty much most of the Marshall inspired modules would get you there....

JTM, Plexi, SL

..I'd keep an OD pedal around for flexibility too. Out of those threem I got to say the JTM is my favorite.
The Plexi is definitely a workhorse. Combined with a boost pedal, you can cover a lot of ground with that module. Everyone should have one, IMO.

As far as SRV sounds, you should check out a Tweed module. That one's great for blues.
I bought the Tweed and the Plexi with the 50watter. Thanks for all the help. Now what to get for a third module? Also, what other piece of electronics should I get, pedal etc?