What sound/mod you would want from disliked clean module?

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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2008
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EU, Czech Republic
Hi guys.

All my mods BEFORE (Soldano based Salvado, Custom 3, Deadplate, Ubersonic, Stonerverb, etc) were possible to do only from mid gain or higain modules.
I think there is a lot owners of some Clean modules, who are not 100% satisfied how it sounds.
I want to do some special mod which can be done on Clean based modules.
Obvisously I cannot build Higain curcuit into clean module.
But some great Clean or crunch modules can be done for sure and they WILL sound GREAT.
So now I would like to hear some suggestion.
Question is:


Thank you for your suggestions!

Hey Anthony !

I knew, you will make me wanting my third salvation module :roll:

I liked the clean channel on the Engl powerball very much.
The best clean channel on a high gain amp !!!

Mesa... Like the old V-twin Preamp's "Blues" channel. It would perfectly pair with a Grail or Treadplate.
headown said:
Hey Anthony !

I knew, you will make me wanting my third salvation module :roll:

I liked the clean channel on the Engl powerball very much.
The best clean channel on a high gain amp !!!

I was actually gonna suggest an ENGL clean too, but I've been so muchc on this German amp tone kick I didn't want people saying "JUST GET A FV@%ING ENGL" :D
I need more imgaination from you, guys:))
what about
Bogner Shiva sound ?
Soldano Atomic sound?
Matchless DC30 sound?
Clean channel from XTC sound?
Clean and crunch channels from Die2el VH4 sound?

Thank you for your tips, Lonestar, Engl clean and V Twin!

The V-twin came to mind because it's just a two 12AX7 preamp. I had borrowed one for a while back and I really liked it. Just not the $450 price tag on the "evilbay". I ran it into the Power Amp In on a Hot Rod Deville since I liked the sound better than that amp. But my friend wanted it back because his Recto-verb blew up.
Get creative and build a delay or chorus in

I was thinking the same thing! Ever since I saw the gate in the high gain mod I was wondering if a chorus could be put right into a clean module. That'd be way cool.

I wouldn't mind a single module that replicates channels 1 and/or 2 of a Mesa Roadster, complete with Fat-Clean-Tweed or Fat-Clean-Brit switches. (or better yet, Fat/Tweed/Brit)
IMO just something with a full, clear, bell-like quality. Almost piano like. The stock clean module has always sounded flat and almost "cardboard box" like to my ears anyway... It would be nice to have a useable clean module rather than the stock one taking up a slot and looking pretty. :)
...Randall has kinda missed the mark with their clean modules,imho.
And while everyone has a mod for the high gain modules...the cleans have been largely ignored.
I suggest you fix the Deluxe Module and finally get it to have the roundness that the Blackface Fender deluxe Reverbs all have. There is that distinctice roundness, and a certain compression the sound..hard to describe..but one of the MOST useable clean tones in recording hisory.
If you can dothat, Anthony...my hat is off to you.
I wouldnt mind the blackface having an overall upgrade to it's components and maybe a blackface / vox hybrid module.

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