what types of pickups R u guys using? Thinking 'bout upgrad

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Yeah, there alot of choices and it can be REAL confusing. I have owned tons of pickups have in this game for years. I still have a box with vintage pickups in it (1980s original Bill Lawrence L90 ,L90XL, an original Mighty Might, DiMarzios,Duncans, fenders,ESPs, Gibsons, Voodoo, emgs etc etc)

And it all boils down to this:
use a big Box sore for the ONLY REASON to ever use a big Box store: They may have they product available for you to hear.
Go there, hear it. Try in the environment closest to what you have. Thank the man. If you really feel inclined buy it there, but realize the big box stores couldnt care less about you after the sale.
Thats why I often use a big box store to hear things. But I actually plkunk down money at places like SQUID Music, Nicotera's music in Utica NY, and others. If you ever have a question these smaller stores will do what it takes to get you an answer...
..and not "hey man, its really bizy at the counter..can you call back later..or come by when this place is quiet..."
PS: The salespeople at big box stores are usually very uninformed. Asking them questions about pickups is almost always a waste of your time. They got hired because they would work for min wage, that was their most impotatnt qualification. I have traveled all over the US, and I sees this is THE RULE..so learn from my experiences...and support the smaller stores....or they will be gone and you'll be calling India when your pickup is shipped to you DOA.
Sorry for the rant, but THIS is pertinent.
PS: The only big store Ive had good experience (exception to every rule,right? is Sweetwater. Only dealt with em a few times, but every time they were really good. Just sayin.. )
i have a '82 ibanez roadster with only a bridge pickup. it is the original and it sounded good then for some reason i found Sprague Orange Drop ? Paul/SG Guitar Capacitors Caps .022@400v and the wiring diagram on ebay for a Les Paul. i put them in and my ibanez and now it has super awesome tone clean to dirty.i have 2 lps '07,1 ibanez '82,1 charvel '79 active emg's,1 usa strat'08,1 dlx usa strat'08 and i still luv the ibanez and its sound,a $400 guitar that is up there with the top players. change the electronics first, ur looking at $5-$20 and see if you like the change before switching out pickups.
True, electronics have a lot to do with the way a guitar sounds, jlbaxe. With my Ibanez S, if I just wired the pickups without all the capacitors and what not, it would sound like a lot of other guitars :p . Personally, I think a good guitar with good pickups doesn't need any extra guts to "enhance" the sound, but changing the electronics can really take an OK-sounding guitar to an awesome-sounding guitar.
DiMarzio Super Distortion my number one!
Duncan Screamin' Demon, great with Alder, not quite so great with other woods...