What would work better?

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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2008
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South Jersey
Hey guys i was wondering what would work better:

SM57 with a preamp for a better sound or

Midi to a preamp for a better sound?

I don't know much about midi but I'm not sure what would be better. All help would be appreciated. Maybe i can learn a thing or two too.

Also my amp is a Randall RM100 with an ultra a XTC and a brown if that helps any.

Thanks, Kyle
I'm seriously conflicted on how to answer this.... :lol:

Here's to hoping the next post doesn't read "I hooked my amps MIDI out to the preamp and there was no audio...." :wink:
SM57 is the way to go as a first pass attempt. If you're gonna use a preamp, might as well get one with a tube in it so you really capture that warm tube tone, ala Annihilator's new CD - Metal.

Try a few different mic positions before committing to the final sound too.
kylendm said:
Alright, well can someone name some good preamps in a $600 price range?
Any two (or three) stock modules you want :p

What do you want to record? Rock? Get a Top Boost, JTM, Plexi, or Brahma.
Blues? The Deluxe and the aforementioned JTM are nice.
Jazz? Blackface, all the way.
Country? Possibly the KH-1, Deluxe, or Blackface again.
Old school heavy metal? Plexi.
80's rock and metal? SL+ or Mr. Scary, even an Ultra Lead!
Modern metal? Ultra XL, Grail, KH-3, 1086, I could go on :p
maybe you mean a recording preamp?
ua610 for flavor or 110 for clarity if you can find one used for 600 (new 799)

Sytek 4 channel can be had for 6 used, many industry pros like it if you need 4 channels
ashishk said:
insightibanez said:
For a preamp/ recording interface I use the Presonus Friestudio Project with sm57 and sennhesier e906 mics.
+1 on the Presonus. Heard great things about that unit.

Its a great unit to have. I've recorded guitars, bass, drums, vocals, wind instruments and this thing hasn't let me down. Its like having a whole studio in one. :D
Yeah im looking into the Recording interfaces. I'm recording mostly Metal and Heavy Rock. Both the UA 610 and the Firestudio look great. Now it's a matter of what one will do my Genre of music better.

Thanks for everything guys. :D

Edit: Also if I wanted to get more Mic's into this thing would i need a Mixer?
No beacuse the Presonus Fire studio Project has 8 xlr inputs, with its own preamp. Like I mentioned in my last post, I've used this device to record my guitar tracks, and drum tracks. It runs off of firewire and also comes with recording software, cubase. Do some research and see if it fits your needs, heres the link:
Insightibanez: I know it's somewhat off topic, but I've been wondering. When you have big, 8 piece drum kits that have 8 shells alone, how do you mic everything including the cymbals without needing more inputs? Or do you usually do like, one kick drum with a double kick pedal or something to free up an overhead space?
I have a 10 piece drum kit, with 1 bass drum connected to a double bass pedal. When I record I use all 8 inputs: One for the kick drum, two for the top and bottom of the snare, three mics are placed between my toms (one mic per two toms), and two over heads. Hope this helps. :D
It helps a lot, actually :) i was wondering if placing the mics between the toms would work, as it would eliminate the need for one or two more individual mics. Thanks a lot!
Insightibanez: If you had a sub-mixer you could mic every tom and group them to two tracks. Adjust your panning from the channels on the sub-mixer for the stereo field. This will free up a track for something else and probaly sound better because your mics are directly on the toms, rather than between them.

Unless your bottom snare mic is crucial to your snare sound, you could omit it and free up another track. Doing this, you could record your whole kit, no matter what size, with six tracks. Ch's 7 and 8 could be used for hihat and ride or bass/guitar scratch tracks.

Kylendm: I recommend any Presonus 8 ch firewire interface. They're GREAT preamps for the money. I've used the original Firepod for a long time and never had problems and they sounded great. In case you're using a Mac, they're plug and play. Sorry for the previous hijack.