What's the verdict on the OS module?

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Oct 1, 2017
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As the title says, those of you who have the module, how does it compare to a Dumble style amp? Is it any good? Can you get those elusive Robben Ford and Larry Carlton tones out of it?

Are there any OS clips out there at this point in time?
I have the TDLX. Where does the OS compare in terms of gain and general tone? Can you set the channel volumes to levels equal to the other mods or is it all over the place? Is the lead tone comparable to any other module, or its own thing?

The Clean side is a little quieter on my preferred setting (Bright, No Deep, Rock) compared to high gain models It is quieter on Jazz (there's cleaner tone/less gain) but is able to balance out with gain side of module and other modules...lots of range. It will depend on where you usually set your channel masters. I typically don't go above 12 o'clock but to balance the clean side, I have to depending on level of OD.

EDIT: The Master, OD Level and Ratio are of course interactive.

OS is definitely it's own thing in terms of design and tone, the closest thing to it would be the original Egnater COD.
i'd like to hear some more demo's, i was suprised it seemed to go from crystal clean to high gain...i would have thought that module would be full of edge of breakup/pushed tones.