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The Rossness

Well-known member
Oct 6, 2008
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Rant: ON...

When I was getting back into the MTS game, I thout to myself, "Ross, this is going to be a cheaper and better alternitive to an Axe FX 2. I'll get an RM100 and some mods to cover my basic tones and I'll be able to have the equivilent of a little studio without spending the 10's of thousands of dollars to buy the real amps".

Well, I was partially right. Yes, its better than an Axe FX. Yes, I have the eqivilet of a small studio of tones. However, while it was initially cheaper than an Axe FX 2, now it seems far from cheap.

Instead of having my basic tones, I keep getting module after module and then there's the cost to mod each module. MTS is becoming a money pit- not a money pit that I don't like. - I love this money pit, but a pit none the less.

I originally thought I'd have 4-6 modules and now I'm at about 20. My Original RM100 head turned into 3 RM100's- the afformentioned one, a combo and a Lynchbox. Now I'm trying to find an RM1250 as well. I have 5 incoming Salvo mods, Orders that have yet to be sent to Rob, Scott and Trace. I keep wondering if Bruce is going to re-introduce MTS to the world (and of course, I'll have to get that system too,

And this MTS thing has gotten a little out of control.

Should I be buying food and groceries instead of mods ;)?

Does anyone ever notice that a simple decision can suddenly spin out of control even with the best intentions at heart?

I love the MTS world, but somtimes I have to take a step back and take a look at the big picture.

Rant: OFF
Yea you're a bit out of control. 3 MTS amps..I have 2. 20 modules...I have 6 but they are all modded to my needs.. we're both out of control but you're a little worse.
that 1250 'sa great idea
Nothing it's just the nature of the beast. :lol:
I think it has a lot to do with the ears/mood that day/time. Case in point, I can get the 59RR & the Brahma #39 in the same ballpark. Identicle no, but really close. One day the RR sounds better than the #39 & vice versa. So that fuels the M.A.S. or is it MTS.A.S. :lol: How many Marshall mods do we need... How many Hotrod Marshall mods do we need... all of them of course. They will all get us in the ballpark, but be a little different, so the hunt goes on. 8)
This is part of the reason I had to take a step back, too... MTS is such a wonderful, addictive concept. It's Pokemon for musicians! I needed a small, flexible setup for my cover band gig, and ended up with thousands of dollars in modded modules and was already eyeballing more amp heads. When my band broke up, I knew I needed to take a step back for a minute. I'd love to slowly build a MOD50/100 dual channel setup in the near future, but would like to wait to see what Bruce has in store for the line and support that, should he come out with a new product based on the mts concept.
I can see how it would happen...
but if you can focus on your NEEDS and not your wants..I think it gets alot easier.
At one time I wanted 4 distinct amp sounds out live..and that was cool...but I realized after many,many gigs that I cam back to just certain sounds..those are the ones that always did it for me...so I just stick to those..I dont see a need to change ,yet.
Sure if money were no object Id buy em all...
but truthfully I am set..and I play live all the time...so its all working out pretty well.
GtrGeorge of Holiday Road (NY)
the rossness, you have a buying group here waiting for you when you are ready to get yourself a Line 6 and a set of headphones. contact me first please
I always need more modules gad ******...and I hate myself for it! :D
Just get a mod of each flavor. I'm more than happy with my current setup, but could always jones for a fender mod.

Shoot, these two little rigs and a couple of modules have been bringing better tone than $4K of amps that I recently sold. So far I'm into the game about $2K, including modules, and am a happy camper. The extra money left over from those sales bought a new guitar and pedalboard. It's a good money pit, one that leaves you room for extra gear.
Oh, what the hell.. It's way better than drug and alcohol addiction....and you've got all those great mods and amps!!!! Talk about awesome tones....
Well, I own 20+ modules myself and didn't see it coming.

I guess most of us got onboard thinking: "Wouldn't it be great to have a Twin, a plexi, and JCM and a Mark within the same amp? This or any combination of amps.

Then of course, how could we resist NOT A/Bing this and that stock mod with a few modded ones. And if you factor in the "wouldn't it be nice to have a <insert amp name here> for a different flavor once in a while?

My search for the ultimate "Marshall crunch" cost me at least ten modules tryout before I settled on the RR59 and the 1987. All in all, for every "keeper" module, there are two to three that I won't sell because they sound good in their own right and yet are likely to take a little dust.

Trying to unload a few modules at the moment, but it really took a lot of convincing! :)
I'm doing the opposite and have sold a few modules. Only have 4 now, all Marshall inspired. My Scary might also just be modded to a Super V at some point as well not sure. I find i pretty much am always looking for a plexi/jmp base and then tweak from there. I did a filter cap job on my jcm800 combo, converted it to EL34's and am currently waiting on a metro style effects loop kit so I can use basic delay pedals in the loop. (randall loop sucks, no flexibility!) Who knows what the future might hold for me if i start digging my JCM800 + a pedal again. It has made me want to get my 1987x back up and running again as well as to finish working on the Laney head I gutted 3 years ago and rebuilt to JCM specs only to dump it after I got busy with a chick. I am a huge proponent of finding a few tones you dig and letting the fingers do the playing. We can all spend too much time hunting and hoping that next module will be it! I think it will be interesting to do a comparison of my friedman brahma to my JCM in a blind taste test and see what you guys prefer.
Kapo_Polenton said:
I'm doing the opposite and have sold a few modules. Only have 4 now, all Marshall inspired. My Scary might also just be modded to a Super V at some point as well not sure. I find i pretty much am always looking for a plexi/jmp base and then tweak from there. I did a filter cap job on my jcm800 combo, converted it to EL34's and am currently waiting on a metro style effects loop kit so I can use basic delay pedals in the loop. (randall loop sucks, no flexibility!) Who knows what the future might hold for me if i start digging my JCM800 + a pedal again. It has made me want to get my 1987x back up and running again as well as to finish working on the Laney head I gutted 3 years ago and rebuilt to JCM specs only to dump it after I got busy with a chick. I am a huge proponent of finding a few tones you dig and letting the fingers do the playing. We can all spend too much time hunting and hoping that next module will be it! I think it will be interesting to do a comparison of my friedman brahma to my JCM in a blind taste test and see what you guys prefer.
Kapo. I played JMP's and JCM 800's for a number of years. Don't miss them at all ...the tones I'm getting these days is in another ball park to anything Marshall ever built even though the mdules are all Marshall inspired....... I also don't miss the headache at the end of the night..just my opinion...
I remember having to CRANK my Marshall 1959 Super Lead, jump the channels to get the EVH sound, but I can do it easily with my Shiver at sane volumes. I can get great plexi tone from the JF1959RR, or JF P/T. I then get everything else from the Camerock, which is one hell of a module! When I need classic rock and uber-metal, I've got my Manderine Stonverb. Cleans? I have my Matchvox (which never leaves my [A] Rig). Then there's my RM100 that's set up like a Custom Audio OD100 with a Custom 3++, a Custom 3 and a Mark US. And BTW, I love the Mark US it has so many different voicing options! I wonder what JF's version is like in comparison?

I use the ODS sparingly and I think the boost function on mine is broken. On my next round of JF modules, I think I'll send it in to be fixed. On the subject of JF, my EVT prototype is the most gained out module I own and can do the 80's metal thing really well.

In comparison, all of us have very few models compared to an Axe FX II. ..
Axe FX, smash FX, that thing doesn't really impress me at all. The Kemper, now there is something that peaked my interest..

Kapo. I played JMP's and JCM 800's for a number of years. Don't miss them at all ...the tones I'm getting these days is in another ball park to anything Marshall ever built even though the mdules are all Marshall inspired....... I also don't miss the headache at the end of the night..just my opinion...

Out of curiosity, which modules do you like better than your old Marshalls? As for end of the night headaches, I like the weight of my JCM800 combo vs my Lynchbox. **** thing weighs a ton!! If it weren't for the crap loop that was only line level, I'd say the amp was tops. Just not interested in sending JF the entire 80 lbs or so amp and footing the bill between borders :(
There can be a real zen of simplicity argument for a solid amp and a maybe a couple of pedals. I know I've been in and out of a few set ups for home, but don't love too much to deal with live beyond my volume know, fingers and a couple of channels... It makes it's easier too if you have to use the same back line as other acts (a black star preamp pedal worked nicely for me),
Kapo, I'm surprised you don't like the loops... I used reverb and delay pedals in the series loop when I had the 100 watt Lynchbox and it sounded great..wonder if there's something amiss with it.. As far as weight, yea, the 80 lbs eventually killed me to the point of selling it and buying RM50 watters
It is a monster amp for sure.. 2 channels would be good enough for me. Maybe a Super V and Brahma or other gainier Marshall and i could be happy. The loop just doesn't like any delay and reverb pedals. You probably tried pedals that were able to operate at line level like the harwired series. I want to use someting like the axle grease delay from visual sound..
Kapo_Polenton said:
It is a monster amp for sure.. 2 channels would be good enough for me. Maybe a Super V and Brahma or other gainier Marshall and i could be happy. The loop just doesn't like any delay and reverb pedals. You probably tried pedals that were able to operate at line level like the harwired series. I want to use someting like the axle grease delay from visual sound..
I see... yes, the hardwire delay sounds amazing in the serial loop..