What's your fave module? You can only name one...

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dboy5150 said:
My just-out-of-the-shop Ultra XL with a switch: flip it down for modded XL; up for modded Modern. Sick sick sick :twisted:

Wait - you are getting the sounds of the XL and the Modern module out of one mod? Who modded it?
If I have to choose one, I guess it would be a DF modded Topboost. Does light gain and blues very nice, yet can go into alot of drive
If I had to choose just 1,

Id have to go with my Pete modded Mr scary. But I dont have my pete moded 1086 back yet so It could change.
TheHunter said:
If I had to choose just 1,

Id have to go with my Pete modded Mr scary. But I dont have my pete moded 1086 back yet so It could change.

What does Pete's mod do to improve over the stock Scary in your estimation?
I have a Pete modded Scary in transit will review when it arrives and I get some time ..

I love my Freidman modded SuperV .

I love the modular stuff, today just for fun while I was killing some time on lunch , I played a Boogie Stilleto ,Express 5:50 ,HK statesmen ..

and I left the store thinking to myself nothing came close to my SV or EG4 Egnater :D
shred-o-holic said:
TheHunter said:
If I had to choose just 1,

Id have to go with my Pete modded Mr scary. But I dont have my pete moded 1086 back yet so It could change.

What does Pete's mod do to improve over the stock Scary in your estimation?

My Mr Scary Just has the W/C mod, no switches or anything.

My buddy insightibanez just bought a non-modded Mr. Scary and in a side by side comparison, mine is quieter, smoother, and the gain seems to be more aggressive, this could be due to the fact that its clearer sounding too. I highly recomend this mod.

I might be the only one on this bus, but I choose stock XTC. My reason is this... It sounds almost identical to the lead guitarist in my band's Carvin Legacy (which in itself is based off of Bogner's Red Channel).