Which Amps did you play before MTS?

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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
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stole this idea from the egnater site...pulled a Coldplay if you will

Here's my amp history, memory task from 1985 on:
Silvertone: Uncle lent this to me, I was shocked to see the vintage value is huge now
Gorilla 1x8 with tube stack! + DOD American Metal= angry teenager!
Peavey: ?? some old loud amp
Art ??rack into Radio Shack Power Amp
Peavey VTM
Peavey: ?? silver w/ lots of tubes
Boss ME5 into a ? power amp
Roland GP16 into a rocktron velocity
Peavey: Transtube rack into a Marshall power amp
Mesa DC5
Mesa Triaxis & 2:90
Marshall DSL combo
Peavey XXX
Ampeg Lee Jackson vl503 1x12
Ampeg Lee Jackson vl502 head
Marshall TSL 100 head
Mesa Single Rectifier
Orange Tiny Terror: lol, this midget blew away everything before it

sold off everything after
Randall rm100: loaded with Petemods, see signature
my amp life is much smaller but:

Crate Junk
Line 6 Junk
Marshall AVT150
Marshall TSL100
Line 6 Spider Valve
Bugera 333
peavey 212 something or other (biatch was heavy as hell )
randall 50 watt something or other
peavy Bass head with a RP 50 in front
Gallien Kreuger micro head ( GT 6 in front )
Marshall VS 8100 ( GT-6 in front )

MTS !!! :twisted:
A couple Peavy amps
A couple of Fenders
Roland JC-120 with pedals
Mesa F-50
Carvin V3 head
Here's mine...

1. Rickenbacker 1X12 which sucked pretty bad.
2. Peavey Bandit 1X12.
3. Peavey Stereo Chorus 2X12.
3. Crate 2X12 combo.
4. Randall Warhead full stack.
5. Randall Century 170 head.
6. Randall RG100HT rack head.
7. Randall RM100 head.
8. Mesa Boogie Trem-O-Verb head.
9. Splawn Pro Stock head.
10. Peavey 6505 head.
11. Randall Lynch Box head w/ cab.

There are several amps that I wish I could check out that I haven't....Framus Cobra, Mesa Mark IV, Splawn Nitro, Diesel Herbert, Marshall KK JCM 800. That's about it though...happy with the Lynch Box.
My history is filled with crap up until the MTS line. Beware, it's pretty laughable, but I'm not made of money like some people appear to be, and didn't learn about what made a good amp up until recently:

1. Rogue 1x12 with Boss DS-1
2. Rogue 2x12 with Boss MT-2
3. Kustom 200w SS Head with Ampeg 4x12 cab and MT-2
4. Roland Microcube (I used this at live gigs before)
5. Peavey Bandit 1x12 w/ Damage Control Solid Metal (Later added 4x12 extension)
6. Crate v-50 tube 1x12 w/ Boss GT-10
1. Bunch of crappy practice amps....Peavey transtube, Crate GFX, Marshall Valvestate..squier 15 :D

2. Mesa 2ch DR, Roadking, Rectoverb...

3. Randall MTS (RM50HB, RM50C, RM100M)

4. Madison Divinity

5. Marshall 6100LM

6. ENGL Powerball,Blackmore,SE and Blackmore again

7. Mesas Chrome 'early' 2ch DR

8. Randall RM50HB, Egnater MOD50, rM100LB and M4, RM4...RM20....ah too many to list.

Current stable:

RM50HB (Still awaiting repair)
RM20 Head
RM4, M4 Single, M4 Dual and RT2/50

Inbound...Egnater MOD50
ALOT :oops: :roll: :lol:

Carvin X 100B
Mesa Mark II and III
Marshall 9200 w/Rocktron Pro Gap rack rig
Peavey 5150, 5150II, XXX
Randall Cyclone
Rivera KH-II
Line 6 HD-147
ENGL Powerball
Laney GH50L
ENGL Fireball
Orange Tiny Terror
Ampeg (the ss one that everyone likes lol can't remember)
Voodoo Modded XXX
Splawn Quickrod and Promod
Mesa Single Recto and Dual Recto
Mesa Roadster
Laboga Mr. Hector
VHT Deliverance 120
Soldano Avenger
Some GK SS amp when I first started playing a million years ago
Roland JC-120

Also tried alot of amps extensively.....Bogners, Diezels, Bad Cat, VHT CL, Marshalls, SLO's...to name a few :lol: This is my second time with MTS......just an RM 20......before I had two RM 100's....
kbause said:
my amp life is much smaller but:
Line 6 Junk
Marshall TSL100

I had to borrow my buddies Line6 when my TSL blew out at the start of a gig...it may be junk, but at least it works! Unlike many, I actually liked the TSL when it was cranked up, but it was always in the shop for that transformer :?
Hmmm.. 28+ years of playing, guitar and bass... got a few pages?
Oddly, the "tried that" list would be too long. The "tried, bought and kept for a bit" list would be smaller. "Pry it from my cold, dead hands" would be a dozen or so I think.

I seem to like the oddball amps and rack pre+power combos. And if I won the lottery, I would have a couple dozen heads at the very least.
Still have my Legacy, will probably always have it. Too much work and time into "making it mine."
Still have 2 little Peavey Audition Chorus practice amps. Little buggers with 6" speakers, stereo. Peavey's answer to the GK 250ML? Hmm... maybe ;) Love these for hotel rooms when on the road.

Just sold my Triaxis + 2:Ninety, JCM800, Mesa Studio Pre, and a few others. Bought and tried an Axe FX Ultra a few months ago, which brought me back to tube amps.

I never thought this MTS stuff could sound good. No way, no how. Sorta like "rack pre+power for dummies" type thing. Wow, talk about eating crow!

Two other amps grabbed my attention recently. Went on this "try as many amps as I can" binge. Line6 was absolutely horrible, including the Spider Valve stuff. No modeller did it, but the Vox AD50VT was actually decent for me! The only amp that ALMOST stopped me form doing the MTS thing was... **** Mesa Stiletto. But, in the end, I tried an RM100 with 7-8 modules available, and that was it. I could get close to the Stiletto, but then I could do several other Mesa's... and a bundle of Marshall's... and a few Fender's... Soldano-ish... and on, and on, and on...
Mesa Blackface Recto
Mesa Triaxis
2 - Mesa Studio
2 - Mesa 2:90
2 - Mesa Mark III
3 - Mesa Mark IV
VHT Pitbull CL/100
VHT 2/50/2
Splawn Pro-Mod
Fractal Audio Axe-FX
Lee Jackson M1000
Peavey 5150
Pod XT Pro
2 - Randall RM100
2 - Randall Lynch Box
2 - Randall Rgp1000
Engl Blackmore
Peavey Butcher
Peavey VTM120
3 - Peavey XXX
Peavey 5150
Marshall 8100
Krank Rev 1
Krank Krankenstein
Mesa Recto Preamp
4 - Randall RG100ES
2 - Randall RG200ES
Randall Warhead
4 - Randall RG100HT
2 - Mesa 295
Langner DCP-1
Line 6 Vetta II
2 - PodXT
2 - Pod XT Pro
Pocket Pod
Peavey Rockmaster
Tech 21 PSA-1
ADA MP-1 3.666
O.K. This will betray my age. Started with an Ampeg Revererocket Model R-12R in '63 which was stolen in '67 and I actually got back in '68 and I still have it! Then, an Ampeg Gemini II which was stolen with the R-12R but never returned. Then, an amp made by the "Sound" company, all tube, with switchable reverb. Sold that. Then, an Ampeg "Colossus," a solid state amp with 4 Altec 417B speakers. Sold the "head" which was part of the "portaflex" cabinet and got a Dual Showman Reverb head. We're now at '69. That head I rewired to pre-CBS specs. and then modified the "normal" channel to pre-amp the "reverb" channel. I also added a separate heater transformer, ceramic power tube sockets, and 4 KT66 Gold Lion output tubes. The amp screamed!!! I played that through the 4 Altec 417's. That amp got stolen. Then, an Ampeg V4 stack with 2 4x12 bottoms. Sold that. Then, a Seymour Duncan Convertable 1000 all tube amp with 5 replaceable tube modules in the preamp, in '84. I have 3 of those amps, and 20 or so different modules. Then, a Fender Blues Junior. Which brings us to Randall. When I saw the MTS series, having had great experience with the Duncan amps, I bought a RM4, RT2/50 and every module made at the time except the Clean mod. I was afraid the amp would be discontinued, and I didn't want to risk not being able to get the modules. Gladly, it was a success and the series is still here! Lastly, a RM50 was added. I think I'll go play some guitar! All the best! Pat
Ampeg V4!!!! Woohoo!!!!
Those things are TANKS. I miss mine, but I think it is also the memories associated with it ;)

Little hi-jack... how does the RM100 compare to the V4 as far as weight is concerned? Being in a wheelchair, there is NO WAY I could lift either anymore.. I am curious what my friends would be in for tho ;) :D hehehe...
partial list, I can't remember crap

Mesa: Mark III, .50 EL84 (x2), Studio .22 (x2), DC5, DC3, very early blackface dual recto, single recto, racktifiers (x3), Studio Preamp, Quad, 50/50, 2:90, Stiletto Deuce

Marshall: 76 JMP 50 watt, 2203,2204,2205,2210(x2) Silver Jub 50 watt JCM 800s, 2203 voodoo modded, JCM900 high gain dual reverb 100 watt, JMP1 preamp, early 70s super lead 100

VHT 50/CL (x2), Soldano HR 50XL, SLO clone (x2), Budda SD 18, Bogner Ecstasy 101B, Kitty Hawk Quattro preamp, Soldano preamp (x2), Peavey rockmaster preamp

Fender '58 tweed princeton, '68 princeton reverb, '72 princeton reverb, Silverface champs (3x, one voodoo witchdoctor mod),Gretsch 5 watt practice tube amp w/tremolo, Silvertone piggyback head and cab, Ampeg V-22, Peavey Heritage VTX, Peavey 5150 block letter, Peavey JSX, Peavey VTM 120, VTM 60,

Line 6 Flextone, Vetta, Flextone III, Spider Valve

Randall RG80 (x2), RM20 (x2), RM50, RM100 (x2), RT2/50, RM4

plus a bunch of stuff I scratch and kit built - Matchless clones, soldano preamp I jammed in a fender champ, tweed clones, marshall 18 watt clones, Trainwreck clones, etc.
Park 10W Practice amp
Randall Unknown White-faced SS head
Fender 65W SS Princeton Combo
<Big Gap, Life intervenes here>
Marshall JCM800 2204 Head (Nothing recreates that sizzle)
Mesa Tremoverb 2x12 Combo (Great amp, hated the cleans)
Peavey ValveKing 100W (Stiff, stiff stiff)
Laney AOR protube 50W Series II head (Workhorse)
Randall RM100.

I miss the convenience and punch of the 2x12 Mesa. And the One-trick Pony awesomeness of the JCM800. The MTS really rocks though. You can't beat the versatility of this thing.
mike said:
My List is short

Marshall JCM900 & 800 for 20 years.

I have alot of admiration for people who stick to the same gear...I used to be one of those before the internet... :? :oops: :roll: :lol: