Which Amps did you play before MTS?

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1. Fender (Practice AMP) -SOLD
2. Peavey Bandit combo 1x12 -SOLD
3. Peavey 5150 -SOLD
4 Vox Valvetronix -Still have

And last but least, the best amp on earth:

5. The Randall RM100 :D
Yamaha and Crate practice amps (mid 80's, still own)
Peavey Bandit 65
Gallien Krueger 250RL
Carvin X100B

ART DST-4 / Mesa 20/20
Rocktron Piranha / Mesa 20/20

Rocktron Piranha / VHT 2502
Mesa V-Twin / VHT 2502
VHT GP3 / VHT 2502
Boss GL-100 / VHT 2502

Randall RM4 / VHT 2502

I didn't think my list would be 1/2 this long. A lot of it I only used/owned for a short time.
Carvin X100B
Bogner XTC 101b
Bogner XTC Classic

left with:
Egnater MOD100
Laboga Mr. Hector (Annihilator sig)

Still want to try:
Cameron CCV or CCM, Fortin Bones/NATAS

MTS is like a bottle of beano... it takes away the GAS
1 Old Peavey Bandit 112- Played bass through it because I didn't know any better
1 Silverfaced Fender Bassman- Played guitar through because I was starting to catch on
4 Ampeg VH-140c's- That solid state amp that everyone loves, still have a combo version
1 Ampeg SS-140c- Almost as good
2 Marshall JCM 900's- Both high gain, dual master volume
3 Orange AD 30- 2 combos, one 2 channel, one with reverb, and 2 channel head
1 Sound City Mark II or III custom- Sick *** hiwatt power!
1 Custom built to my specs, PENNINGTONE amp- Knobs went to 11, Scream and Sing Channels, Bright Orange tolex. It was too noisy and didn't sound very great. (My last name's Pennington, btw).
1 Sovtek Mig 100h- Heaviest amp I'd owned til I bought the Randall
Vox AC30 CC head- Great sound but I already had an mts
Randall RM100- Best amp I'd ever researched and found
Egnater M4/RT250- Best rack setup ever
Egnater Tourmaster 4100- Got in an endorsement deal, probably going back to modular

Don't even start me on cabs...
Used many different amps searching for the TONE....
will go back from what I can recall:

Peavey Backstage?(35 watts) 1st amp
Crate 2X12 (Grey Fuzzy one)
Peavey 2X12
Several Marshall Combos from 15 watter to 100 watters
ADA MP1(Many years on this one)
Crate GFX 212
B52 head(not sure what model)
Peavey 5150 (block letter)
Peavey 6505 +
Peavey 5150 Signature
Peavey XXX
Egnater modded Marshall JMP MKII
Splawn Nitro
Mesa Dual Rec
Metaltronix M-1000
Egnater Mod 100
Egnater Mod 150
Line 6 Spider III 100 watt head by Bogner tube modeling amp
Randall Lynch Box
Jim Wigle Purplexi modded by Mark Cameron
Engl Invader
Framus Cobra

Crate practice amp-little 10watter..like a GX10 or somethin..roughly 10yrs ago.

Fender Combo-dont remember what one.

Marshall VS100

Peavey Bravo 112-still have need to sell

Vox Valvetronix120.-wanted a 5150, but it was for xmas wanted a 5150, but my mom didnt want to buy me a used head. this was the same price new.....she bought it and it broke- was in the shop getting fixed for literally 11 months.

Peavey 5150 Block Letter. Bought it from a friend in a roadcase for $500. needed it as my vox was in the shop

Peavey VTM60-bought it at a pawn shop for $50..haha.

Randall RM100-sold the 5150 for somethin i wasnt seeing alot of people play on.


??? a VHT or ENGL....the randall might leave to fund this..:(

unless i can save and get a good deal on say, a VHT D60
Getting sad thinking about this, but.............

peavey bandit 1x12
peavey backstage chorus 2x10
silverface bassman head
carvin X100B (still have)
JCM 800 #1
red jack jcm900
jcm800 #2
3ch DR
black jack jcm900
mark iv short head
3ch triple rec
2ch DR #1
f50 1x12 combo (still have)
Rivera knucklehead tre
2ch DR #2 (still have)
RM100 (still have)
droptrd said:
Getting sad thinking about this, but.............

peavey bandit 1x12
peavey backstage chorus 2x10
silverface bassman head
carvin X100B (still have)
JCM 800 #1
red jack jcm900
jcm800 #2
3ch DR
black jack jcm900
mark iv short head
3ch triple rec
2ch DR #1
f50 1x12 combo (still have)
Rivera knucklehead treVHT UL
2ch DR #2 (still have)
RM100 (still have)

HEY, what did you think of that RIVERA head???
riff man said:
droptrd said:
Getting sad thinking about this, but.............

peavey bandit 1x12
peavey backstage chorus 2x10
silverface bassman head
carvin X100B (still have)
JCM 800 #1
red jack jcm900
jcm800 #2
3ch DR
black jack jcm900
mark iv short head
3ch triple rec
2ch DR #1
f50 1x12 combo (still have)
Rivera knucklehead treVHT UL
2ch DR #2 (still have)
RM100 (still have)

HEY, what did you think of that RIVERA head???
Well, its deffinately doesnt suck, but kinda hard to tweak. sounds like marshall with mesa bottom. Not enough gain- for me anyway. some of the eq doesnt do much and some completely changes the tone with every c-hair turn of the knob. for warmth the marshalls beat it and for bottom and gain the mesa's beat it. It does, however do the best fat strat and billy gibbons tones ever!

Fender FM15
Ibanez TB25R
(Yes, the RM100M is my first tube amp :D)


Peavey Valve King
Triple XXX
Rage 258

Marshall MG50 (I think)
Vintage Modern
TSL (fucked up from an idiot running it at the wrong impedance)

Roland Cube 15 and 30

Various Fender amps (SS and tube)

Line 6 Spider II 60 watt
Spider Valve (40 watt 2x12 and 100 watt head)

Not much selection around here =/
Marshall tsl 100
Peavey 5150
Fender 5150III

thats it for me... why is my list so small :(

Peavey Rage 258 -- sold for
Fender HR Deville -- will be selling
Fender Blues Jr. -- was not my cup of tea -- I thought I could go small.... right.
Marshall VM -- two weeks and traded in for
Marshall JVM 410 -- I'm very raw after this experience.


Peavey 5150 II. -- I'm keeping this one. It rocks.

On the way:

Randall Lynch Box w/ Brahma, Mr Scary, Grail and a JTM mod


Line 6 SV -- decent but worry about all the electronics
H&K Switchblade -- good sounding amp but... it's that footswitch and their warranty service
Marshall 1987X Plexi -- this was a close runner.
Soldano HR 50+
Soldano SLO -- I will have one of these one day...
Mesa Dual Rectifier -- nice amp but difficult to dial in at the store
Egnater Rebel -- nice amp but not for my style
Vox Valvetronix -- I was looking for a practice amp and bought a hot plate instead.
Peavy...Marshall... Fender... Soldano... Koch... other Randall ( RG )

I still have the Koch... love it and i also have a Music man 2x12 HD and a Blackheart... I play the Koch live... for the most part but the Lynch Box does get out from time to time.
In Order of Owning :

Vox Escort Lead 50
Marshall VS100
Peavey Supreme 100
Line 6 Pod Pro
Rivera Knucklehead k-100
Peavey 5150
Mesa Rect-o-verb
Peavey XXX

...now here I am...
let's go fishing !!!!
any one have or had or tried these!!!

DIEZEL (any )
Divided by 11
70's TRAYNOR - hidding gem for anyone who knows what i'm talking about - the poor mans marshall !!!!!!
genz benz