Which foot pedal for RM50?

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2009
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Which foot pedal would I need to switch channels and control the boost and reverb on a Randall MTS RM50?

Thanks for your help!
I don't know about the reverb (don't have it on mine, and don't think it was ever switchable). But I made my own footswitch and I know Jaded Faith can make you one. It's not hard. Here's the one I made. http://mtsforum.grailtone.com/viewtopic.php?t=18320&highlight=rm50+footswitch
Was that not included with the amp I bought from you? If I'd known I'd have inquired about it.... Also, you have an email you haven't answered....
buriedorburned said:
Was that not included with the amp I bought from you? If I'd known I'd have inquired about it.... Also, you have an email you haven't answered....

No, I have another RM50 I kept it for. Rob can hook you up though, it's a nice unit.
I'll get at Rob if I can't find a Randall stock footswitch, but I was hoping to use google and ebay to look for one. Does anybody know what they called the footswitch for an RM50? Was it the RFRG80?
The stock switch is a single switch for simple channel switching. If you want a boost switch, you need to have one built for it and you definitely want a volume knob included. If you only use a switch in the boost jack the amp will go to full volume when selected.
I just got the amp last night. Warlok is correct...no reverb. Not sure why I thought it would have reverb?

So basically, any old single function switcher like a Boss FS-5 or the old grey DOD channel switch box would work for the channel switching?
That is interesting that some had reverb, while others didn't? Did they add reverb to later versions, take it away or was there always a reverb vs. non-reverb version of the RM50 available?
I don't know Ricey, I wasn't into these amps when they were being produced new, so I wasn't around to see how they were sold. My impression is that it was an "option". Mine is just a reverb tank and a controller on top of it. Its laying in the bottom of the head, and the wires just plug into the effects loop. So basically... its nothing more than a spring reverb external pedal, that they screwed into the bottom of the case. It works in a pinch but its pretty crappy really. Better than nothing I guess if you just wanna grab your little head and go. I'll probably never use it though.
They all had reverb, however many folks removed the tanks from their amps. My guess is that's the situation with your amp.
I removed the reverb from mine.

Salvation has an RM50 footswitch with boost and volume knob here:

But there is no "Reverb" knob on the front panel. How would you control the reverb level? BTW, I have the combo version. Should it also have reverb?
I guess I will have to take the back off later and see if there is anything down there!
I had an old Boss Fl-5 footswitch laying around in a drawer and it works in both the boost and channel selector jacks. However, I would still be interested in a switch that would allow me to adjust the boost level.
Ricey the footswitch from salvation mods has a volume control on it that allows you to adjust the boost level. There was a thread around here somewhere about it (...and I swore I though someone had already posted it recently in one of these threads you're in) You can make one yourself out of that pedal you have there if you can solder. (might be a good time to learn how if you cant yet ;) heh)