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WTB: RM100 head empty..... US & UK.....

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, I just looked up a few things. I am looking for an RM100 head empty in the UK/Europe, but it costs roughly $200 to ship the RM100 to the UK from the USA,

So, if there are ANY US sellers with an RM100 who are willing to ship to the UK, I'll pay everything. I'm willing to pay the shipping.

Or if anyone has an RM100 with KH-2 & 1806 modules, I'm more than interested !!
there's one on ebay.de , pretty cheap if you ask me ... 750 euro

no way, 750 eruos is 600 pounds, we're getting them in the UK now for less than 500 empty, that's a fair price. Anything over that for an empty RM100 is crazy.
750? is ok not cheap but not really crazy. You can't compare US Prices with ours in Europe. A new Rm100 costs about 1250? unloaded. than is 750 a good price.

I think maybe you get one cheaper not that much cheaper but if you can wait then you get one.

I think it is so unfair that the US prices more than 30% cheaper than in Europe when you see that they were also build in Asian or where else.

They think in europe everbody is rich :lol: .

Good compare, a module in the US cost new about 210 dollar that about 140?.
In Europe you pay new for each normal module 250? and for a signature Modul about 280-350 ?. Yes i saw a kH 3 for 350?.
Is that normal that's nearly 50% cheaper.

"You can't compare US Prices with ours in Europe"

...Yes I can, it's so simple to ship modules from the U.S, so why not ?!
It comes down to if you'd rather spend 250 euros on a mod in your own country, or save yourself half that and pick them up for $150 (95 euros) from the US.
So that means; for the price of 1 module in Europe you could get 2 shipped from the U.S with nearly 50 euros left.

I just got 4 modules for 300 pounds ($600), Europe could never match that. It's NO contest.
It's easy to compare prices but it shouldn't be done by exchange rate... all the exchange rate facilitates is international buying power.

You should compare prices relative to average income/disposable income and typically prices in EU are slightly higher...and in some cases a lot higher :D

US guys wanting really great prices for stuff should offer to ship to UK...the almighty pound rules all even after 17.5% VAT and 5% (?) duty on top :D

?1 buys $2...even the Euro is running wild at 1.56...sucks to be paid in $US right now :(
I've changed the original post UP TOP, PLEASE LOOK !!
I'm now looking in the U.S for the RM100 Head, if anyone's willing to ship to the UK, it's roughly $200 shipping, and I'm more than happy to pay it !!
buriedorburned said:
I've changed the original post UP TOP, PLEASE LOOK !!
I'm now looking in the U.S for the RM100 Head, if anyone's willing to ship to the UK, it's roughly $200 shipping, and I'm more than happy to pay it !!

Make sure it can run on 220V ...

Hey in Ebay UK there is a Randall Head now for 399 and in one hour it will end maybe you get it under 500.