WTT - My MTS and G-System gear for Axe-FX Ultra

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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2008
Reaction score
Whitecourt, AB
I am looking for, more or less, a straight up trade (not looking to split up and trade/sell separately).

My Gear:
Randall RM-4 (new fall '08, JJ tubes from Eurotubes)
Randall RF-4 (new fall '08 )
TC Electronic G System (upgraded to latest firmware) (new fall '08 )
Midi 7 pin cable (new fall '08 )
Ebtech Line Level Shifter
- SL+ (stock) (new spring '10)
- Salvation Mandarine Stonerverb
- Tweed (Gigmods modded)
- JTM (Gigmods modded)

Looking for:
Axe FX Ultra

I have pics, loaded here:

Shipping to/from Canada and ConUS only. Share shipping charges.

100% Ebayer (johnodge)
Holy crap man! :shock: Maybe I did my math wrong, but I figure you're offering up a good $2600 here . . . and I thought I went over the deep end offering my $2200 in trade! :lol:

About an hour ago, I went to Fractal Audio's website to see how much a new Ultra was. They had them on sale for $1999.99 - but when you clicked "Add To Cart" it said they were unavailable to order. I immediately emailed Fractal Sales to ask them "What up wit dat?" . . . within 20 minutes I got this response:

They are now back in stock.


Sure enough, I went back and can now add one to my cart (not that I have the money to buy one! :lol:). So there you go - you can buy these again directly from Fractal Audio as of 35 minutes ago!!! :shock:

I noticed right after I posted my "WTT For Axe-FX Ultra" post the other day, everyone and their grandmother seems to be posting wanting one too. I've just come the realization that the competition for one of these is just too steep right now. I'm thinking (or at least hoping) that in 6 months I'll be able to pick one up for $1500 or so . . . so for now I concede! :cry: :cry: :cry:
It took me almost a month to get one. They would get some in stock, but it would only be a few, and they would usually sell out within a matter of minutes - hours usually at the tops. People were selling them used for $2200 and getting it. It's really an amazing unit, and Fractal really knocked it out of the park. I can understand what you guys are going through, totally. Just be patient, and you will get one ;)
Btw, HughJasol, I dont know if you noticed, but the OP also wants an MFC101, which sell (if you can even get one) for $800... That's $2800 with the Axe FX Ultra
rhequiem said:
Btw, HughJasol, I dont know if you noticed, but the OP also wants an MFC101, which sell (if you can even get one) for $800... That's $2800 with the Axe FX Ultra
Yeah but then I saw his second post:

Bump - just looking to trade all for an Axe FX Ultra
so I guess I misinterpreted that "just" and thought he changed his mind and was now willing to take just an Axe-FX. :lol: Now I get it, and now it makes sense: Assuming $1800 for an Axe-FX Ultra (got an offer to buy one for $1850 just 3 days ago), it looks like about $2600 on both ends with the MFC101 . . .
I didn't even see the second post hehe. That is a pretty good deal! But... the Axe has a certain mystique about it, and isn't always easy to get, so that certainly doesn't help the situation hehe.

As for foot controllers, I am using a Behringer FCB1010 with an UNO chip in mine that set me back a grand total of a little over $100. It works GREAT and has 2 foot pedals. I have it configured to use the top 5 switches as stomp boxes and the lower 5 to be patch changes. I may work up to an MFC someday, but they are stupid hard to get right now and are also crazy expensive. There are many other options that you can start out with.
I use the RT2/50 with the Axe, and it sounds great. The RT2/50 is hard to beat for flexibility and sound quality. Even on the Axe forums, the RT2/50 is regarded well. Not many people use it there because of its weight, however. Many Axe users simply go direct into the PA, and will often just have a 1u power amp and the Axe in their little rack. I say be many and lift a little gear now and then hehe
Cool . . . 8)

Here's what sucks for me: I'd be glad to give up my G-System for an Axe-FX too . . . but I can't be without my G-System until after I've got the Axe-FX here, all setup, and ready to go with a new MIDI footcontroller and a switcher (to manage my pedals with my patches like the G-System does). Only once I've got that all setup I can get rid of the G-system . . . so I can't actually use the funds from selling my G-System to buy an Axe-FX - I can only get "reimbursed" after the fact! :lol:
If you don't want the G-system, I will keep it, and will offer up my RM50LB combo and all my other modules and module bag!!!

So, I get an Axe-Fx Ultra with MFC-101, you get:

RM4 with RF4
RM50LB combo
Randall Module case
Salvation S1S0
Salvation Reverse Mandarine
Gigmods Tweed
Gigmods JTM
Friedman corrected Brahma
Super V
JF VHT (coming soon)
various tubes, manuals, tubes, etc...
Those MFCs are really hard to get right now (as are the Axe FXs...). I wish you luck on the deal, obviously, but scaling it down to minus the MFC might increase your chances of success. Good luck, dude!

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