XMG or Trilogy?

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2010
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Anyone with experience with both or either have any opinions on which they prefer and why? I recently purchased the phenomenal Super Clean and on the strength of its brilliance have decided to go with one of the pre amps up for discussion.
Many thanks...
It's hard to say, I'm sure both modules could fit my requirements and after playing either I'd probably need look no further (hopefully).
Anyway, I run my power amp pretty much at noon to wide open depending on circumstance. I have power scaling installed as well as an Eminance Maverick speaker and so can play on my power section like this at home as well cranked when at the jam spot.
Clean and slightly driven tones I have completely covered with the Super Clean and power amp.
What I am looking for is a compressed, smooth, sustaining extreme (there, I said it) distortion. Clarity, articulation and definition are of importance which lean me toward the XMG and what I read of its lead tone.
In my experience though sometimes the tight and clear distortions can lack the color or squish and bloom which is why I'm considering the Trilogy. (Although the power amp provides heaps of this as is).
I could ramble on but feel words to describe tones can come across as too vague unless you personally know the reviewers vocabulary and how they use/reference it.
If it helps the high gainers I've had before Randall were a Framus Cobra and two dual rectos (nb. the early 90's dual tremoverb sounded by far the better of the two).
The Tremoverb and the Cobra both sounded better to me backed off with Tube zone or Tube Screamer driver up front. Like these amps but am looking for a change.
The diode clipping intrigues me but I'm also not looking for a rodded JCM800 here as much as I like them.
I'm not sure exactly what I'm asking for other than, I guess some differentiation between the two (XMG and Trilogy).
The mid control option on the Trilogy could tip the scales but it's also listed among the "ala cart" mods section on the Jaded Faith site and if so applicable to the XMG?.
I love the sound of the 5150's but have never personally played one.
Here are some pointers that should help:

- The XMG+ is more open and much less compressed. The mids are very present, but less bold than the Trilogy. The bottom end is much bigger and closer to what you have had in previous amps. It does a lot of tones with just the Tight and Voice switches. They interact with each other very well on this mod. It's also whisper quiet.

- The Trilogy is compressed, fluid and very easy to play. The mids are much more prominent and very sculpt-able. It's much tighter than the XMG+ in all settings, as are the real amps.

Both mods offer a huge range of tones and are very quiet. They are very articulate and just different takes on modern heavy tones. They were designed for live use and just get better the more your open your amp up.

There is one XMG+ in stock and ready to ship if that tips your scales one way or the other. Email me if interested.
I personally think the XMG+ is one of the best tones I've been able to play through. Lead, rhythm, whatever, I can find a setting that just makes me
Smile from ear to eat. Truly remarkable mod. The trilogy was cool also, but the XMG really does it for me with the tight switch in conjunction to the voicings. As Rob said, controls interact with each other to offer an array of tones.
Many thanks for the replies, think I'm going to gamble on the XMG+, will report on my findings on a future date!!