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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Im sure we've all noticed the new lynch box topic page which is way cool, but can we get a general music discussion area? New bands you love, old bands you've rediscovered, tone you'd kill a puppy for, etc!

We're musicians first, gear nuts second. I really like what a lot of people on this forum have to say and i think it'd be great to hear about everyones individual taste in tunes and such.

YAY or NAY d00ds

I'm not sure if Ned has returned from NAMM yet or not. I got in WAY late last night and was up until 5am every night I was in California so I'm a bit tired and I'm sure he is too! I'm sure Ned will take care of it if you guys want a section for general music discussion, he's good like that! Btw, it was very cool meeting you in person Ned, you're definitely a cool guy! 8)
Matt- you too my friend.

Yeah no problem. I'll just call it General Music Discussion be up in about 5 minutes.