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  1. B

    Syn-2 12AX7

    What BurnBackTime said. The platform is such that the first gain stage tube is not part of the modules but the unit you install the modules in.
  2. B

    Anyone Try The New Z-Wreck Module

    Mostly interested in how well the design with the 0 watt power amp in the module works.
  3. B


    If your Marshall has an effects loop the textbook best recording setup would be SYN-1 -> Marshall loop in -> OX BOX. You could go direct from the SYN-1 to your DAW, but you'd be missing the power amp contribution to the tone.
  4. B

    Syn-30 - does it have the power?

    Speakers are a critical factor when it comes to loudness. Speakers with higher efficiency, or sensitivity, are louder, and the difference is often not subtle whereas the difference in volume from a 30 versus 50 watt amp is way more subtle than the numbers would lead one to expect.
  5. B

    How to connect a SYN-1 to a Torpedo CAB M+?

    Did you try connecting the SYN1 "main out" to the CAB M+ "gtr/amp in"?
  6. B

    Anyone heard any news on anything new coming out???

    I have a syn 2 and the sag light works as expected, so your experience is indeed not normal. Did you resolve this issue?
  7. B

    Synergy issues with a Bogner Atma series effect loop

    Did you try a pedal in the loop to at least verify the loop is working?
  8. B

    6505 module inbound

    Yeah, my preferences shift with mood.
  9. B

    Seeking module advice

    I really like the DS module.
  10. B

    Syn-50 Head

    I have a Bad Cat combo that power just died on all of a sudden. Fuse was fine. Took it to a tech and it turned out to be a connector to where the fuse was housed that was bad. So, an easy fix.
  11. B

    Tube power amp for synergy syn-1

    Power amps can be (and are) brighter, darker, more mid forward, whatever. I have a SYN50/50 as well and am quite happy with it. My understanding is it was designed to be fairly neutral to be paired with Synergy preamp modules, the idea being you want the power amp to allow the pre amp modules...
  12. B

    Tube power amp for synergy syn-1

    The power amp emulation is not part of the IR, it is included as an option in both in the cab m+ hardware and the Wall Of Sound plugin (Torpedo Wall of Sound plug-in - Two notes Audio). Other options are pre-amp emulation, EQ, and some other stuff.
  13. B

    Tube power amp for synergy syn-1

    I have a cab m+ and I like it. It has power amp emulation which is helpful when using only a preamp with it.