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    randall RX75R PLEASE HELP!

    You can plug your speaker cable or, in this one instance, an instrument cable, into your cab. Then use your DMM to measure between the tip and the sleeve. [Edit:] Sorry, just saw you have a combo. Yeah, either one.
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    Randall Customer Service Contact Info

    Buck-up little camper, you could live in Greenland!! :mrgreen:
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    Got my sucks so bad!!!!

    I've said for years that, if you took two fairly evenly matched guitar players, one who had always played SS amps and the other had played tubes, and made them switch amps, the tube guy would be fine, but the SS guy would suck badly. He'd have very uneven picking and sloppy playing. That's...
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    Rocktron Prophesy & Marshall JMP-1

    FWIW, the JMP-1 has been discontinued...
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    Where are you getting your egnater modules?

    Wait a minute, I seem to recall reading a number of posts on this board where people said stuff like, " I called Bruce, and he told me the problem was most likely..." or, " I ordered the ____ from Frank, and he said probably a month..." How exactly does that happen? :?:
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    FS: VHT 2/50/2

    Well, reluctant as I am to suggest this, (there's this secret little part of me that vainly hopes I can somehow rake-up $750, but the more rational part wins,) you might try posting this over at the >>VHT Users' Forum<< . Good luck.
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    This is unusual? If it ain't a shut-off notice, I figure they ain't really serious anyway, so, sure I can go ahead and buy that <INSERT GEAR ITEM HERE> now! :mrgreen:
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    What tools and materials do we need to modify modules?

    Well, as far as soldering irons, I've heard that the low-wattage, pencil type are best for working on PCB boards, whereas the high-wattage, gun type are better for doing pickups, volume pots, etc. (the gun-type melts adjacent components on a PCB! :cry: )
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    Egnater M4 serial #

    +1!! Hell, +5 to bust this joker in the nose! :evil: This is nothing but the old bait and switch! :shock: Contact evil-bay and hopefully they will help. Good luck.
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    Sounds great! Just one question; does it sound like the singer gargles with Draino befere he sings? :roll:
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    FS: Egnater Dual Channel M4 Preamp with 4 dual ch modules

    Yeah, this is exactly why I'm so bummed. By the time I have the cash, this one will be long gone and I'll have to order one and wait months to get it!
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    FS: Egnater Dual Channel M4 Preamp with 4 dual ch modules

    Man, if I wasn't still tapped from Christmas, I'd take everything you've got there, but alas, it will still be a couple more months before I can order basically the same thing you're selling. Ah well, that's how it goes, I guess. Good luck, although you sure won't need it!
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    Will Randall Solve My Problem?

    First off, on behalf of the forum, Welcome! Well Jeff, I've been around recording studios since I was 12 years old, (I'm 48 now,) and I've heard over and over that guitar is the hardest instrument to record! I'm here on this forum because I've done a lot of research, and decided to go with the...
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    3 Mile Stone, I feel your pain! I've said it many times: I regret just about every piece of gear I've let go, especially guitars. I'm a couple of years older than you and started playing in 1966. To go into all the Strats, LP's, Hofners, and all the others would be a long list, and far too...
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    Non-Permanent Settings Markings

    Spike tape is also good, as it comes in different colours! But I haven't come across many people outside the Theater business who even know what gaff tape or spike tape is!
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    Module Storage

    I like this guy's approach the best! :mrgreen:
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    Good listenings!

    Well guys, now we're talking! I recently came across some jewels on YouTube. The first two are from what I consider perhaps the best two guitar band of all time. For anyone who likes dual-lead stuff, these guys did it first. Wishbone Ash - Warrior Wishbone Ash - Jail Bait The next two are just...
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    Twenty Channel Head

    Man, I was just going to say, thanks for sharing the in-depth info. Great of you to take the time. I'll probably not be running the same kit as you, but I'm sure I'll find your midi stuff very useful. In fact, I'm going to bookmark this. Thanks again! :mrgreen:
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    RH100 G2 withou speakers - possible????

    You NEVER run a tube amp without a load.
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    Yo mods!

    +1 :D