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  1. J

    Need help retubing tonight - Which 6L6? (Mod50)

    Wow, straight from the man himself. Thanks! You are right, I've owned several amps with external bias points, but this design is the most straightforward and quick I've used. Very cool. As long as the back panel is off I could retube this thing in a couple minutes I think. Thanks for that...
  2. J

    Need help retubing tonight - Which 6L6? (Mod50)

    I want to swap the tubes on my new (to me) Egnater Mod50 tonight before tomorrows gig. I have several tubes including: JJ 6L6GC Winged C 6L6GC Sovtek 5881WXT Mullard EL34 (new) What should I use? Thanks.
  3. J

    I just made the worst deal ever on a Mod50...

    In a word, its awesome. Here is a link to a thread on another forum where I am kind of blogging my thoughts as I play with it: I would definitely appreciate any advice on the Mod50 for getting the most out of it as well. Thanks.
  4. J

    I just made the worst deal ever on a Mod50...

    I'm just trying to help out. If you guys want to pay list price for the amp, that's cool by me. I paid more than list for a used one so Iwouldnt ahve to wait 3 months, so what can I say? :)
  5. J

    I just made the worst deal ever on a Mod50...

    My overpriced Eganter Mod50 is in hand now. Can't wait to plug it in tonight.
  6. J

    I just made the worst deal ever on a Mod50...

    You might want to email Indoor Storm about pricing on a new one...
  7. J

    I just made the worst deal ever on a Mod50...

    That's more than new...but much better than what I paid :)
  8. J

    Erect module not voiced for metal?

    Thanks for the info, I was deciding on the MHG or Erect for my next purchase.
  9. J

    What is a TV module?

    I called Egnater today and verified the info on the T/V. It's kind of custom deal that is a Twin module with Vox eq on both channels. So not Twin and not Vox on either, but a combination of both of them on both channels. Not sure that's going to be what I am looking for, so it will probably...
  10. J

    What is a TV module?

    So channel 1 on the T/V module does not equal the channel 1 on the Twin module?
  11. J

    Does the Egnater Mod50 like a certain speaker?

    Some amps are built with specific speakers in mind. Is that the case with the Mod50? What have you had luck with?
  12. J

    Controlling a Mod50 with a Boss GT-8 via MIDI?

    THanks for the feedback. I'm familiar with the 4CM and don't want to go that route with the Mod50. I'll just put the GT-8 in one of the loops. Man, I wish those FX loops were footswitchable, that would be nice. My real need for info is around the MIDI piece. Seems like a lot of people...
  13. J

    RM100 & GT-8 midi

    Interested in this as well. Any updates?
  14. J

    Controlling a Mod50 with a Boss GT-8 via MIDI?

    I have a Mod50 en route and already have a Boss GT-8 pedal. Since the GT-8 can supposedly be used to control other MIDI enabled devices, I was entertaining the idea of dumping the Egnater MIDI pedal in favor of using the GT-8. Has anyone tried this so far? Any success? Also, has anyone...
  15. J

    What is a TV module?

    If that's the case, it will probably be up for sale again very soon :)
  16. J

    What is a TV module?

    How much gain can the Vox side generate on this module?
  17. J

    I just made the worst deal ever on a Mod50...

    I just bought that Egnater Mod50 and a couple of modules (TV, SL2) off of Ebay at a ridiculous price. Ah well, win some, lose some. But I'm interested to see what all the hub bub is about on this amp. I want to A/B it with my Aiken Sabre to see what's what and then one of them will be set free...