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  1. 6


    Hey Pete, would it be possible to mod a Grail for more gain without messing with the stock tone?
  2. 6

    WTB Brown module

    Still looking for a Brown module. I'm in Indiana, by the way (in case anyone was wondering about shipping costs).
  3. 6

    Mods i'd like to see...

    Hey, don't rain on my parade! :evil: :wink:
  4. 6

    Mods i'd like to see...

    MILS :lol: 2 Ty Tabor signature modules: one based on his early tone, and one based on his Dogman tone. If Randall wanted to throw other modules into the mix, I'd be fine with that, too. :wink:
  5. 6

    WTB Brown module

    Anybody? I will pay 150.00 (shipping included)
  6. 6

    WTB Brown module

    Looking for a Brown module in like-new condition. Will pay reasonable price. Shoot me a message if you're looking to sell. Thanks.
  7. 6

    Boost pedals...

    I rotate between a Digitech Bad Monkey and the Keeley George Lynch Time Machine Boost. Both work great, although there is quite a price difference between the two. If you're looking for an affordable boost pedal, definitely check out the Bad Monkey.
  8. 6

    Modded 1086

    Sounds like a cool mod. Have fun on your trip. Maybe I'll pull a "What About Bob" and come find you and bug you about modules. :lol:
  9. 6

    Blackface vs. Clean Modules

    I think if you use a lot of effects with your clean sound, the Clean module would come in handy. Personally, I have the Blackface and it works great for my needs.
  10. 6

    Grail vs. 1086

    Great. More options. Oh, to be rich. :lol:
  11. 6

    Grail vs. 1086

    Thanks for the info, goldwing! Much appreciated!
  12. 6

    Grail vs. 1086

    I have a Dave Friedman-modified SL+. Would I be wasting my time getting a 1086? Are they basically the same sound?
  13. 6

    Grail vs. 1086

    Thanks for the very detailed answer, distortoman. Any other opinions still welcome and appreciated.
  14. 6

    Grail vs. 1086

    Does anybody have both the Grail and the 1086? How do they differ, tone-wise? Are they at all alike? Which do you prefer?
  15. 6

    Pro settings on amps

    Keep in mind that George is using an all-maple guitar much of the time. His amp settings may not be optimal for your guitar. Just something to consider.
  16. 6

    Bass response completely gone on GRAIL module

    How would you describe the difference in sound between ceramic and orange drops? I'm asking because I have a ceramic that I put in one of my modules, but I've since bought some Orange Drops and was planning to replace it.
  17. 6

    Help me please! My amp's not working!

    Update: I finally received the fuses from Mouser today. After putting them in, I had trouble getting the chassis back in because the **** tolex kept coming loose and wrinkling up in front of it. :x I finally got past that problem, put the screws back in, and fired it up. The tubes were glowing...
  18. 6

    Help me please! My amp's not working!

    Checked with Ace Hardware. Nothing. I'm out of options. Guess I'll have to order some on the 'net. This sucks.