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  1. N

    public enemies

    I agree, I didn't like Public Enemies at all. However, this may have been due to the camera work, which I HATED. I didn't like how they did many scenes to start with, but adding to that, they captured video at 30 frames per second as opposed to the usual 25 frames per second for movies. This...
  2. N

    Ottawa Bluesfest

    I'd love to see The Proclaimers and Jesse Cook Friday night, but I'm stuck at home. What a bummer :(
  3. N

    Mesa Mark Module Vid

    Sounds amazing! :)
  4. N

    WTB Randall RM20 Head *Found One*

    Can you wait until NAMM? :D
  5. N

    RG100ES replacement nuts

    Hey guys, My RG100ES is missing one of the input jack nuts and also is missing the nut/ring around the on/off switch. Since sometime, I'll probably sell it, I don't want to trouble the next owner with something I could fix so easily (hopefully). For the nut at the back, should I just head to...
  6. N

    Randall RG100es Owners Manual

    Sorry to bump this thread, but thanks a TON! :D
  7. N

    Need advice on good cheap drop tune Guitar

    Agreed, if you go LTD, make sure to get 400 series or up. :) If you don't mind, try going used and you'll get great deals :D For EMG's, check Jackson MG series, Schecter Damien series (passive EMGs), some Schecter Hellraiser series, lots of ESP/LTD (400 series and up! :) ) and Cort (passive...
  8. N

    RM100 recommendations for newbie

    I have 2 threads in two different forums and one (hopefully) dead thread because I timed out :)
  9. N

    Salvation MAMBA (Cobra based mod)

    And I'm sure it WILL be perfect :lol: Any rough guesses for how long it will be? :)
  10. N

    Module recommendations for newbie...

    How does Pete's Blackface differ from the stock Blackface?
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    Salvation MAMBA (Cobra based mod)

    Mmmmmmmm.... :)
  12. N

    Salvation MAMBA (Cobra based mod)

    Anything new on the Hellraiser? I am desperately wanting clips of that :D
  13. N

    Module recommendations for newbie...

    Yeah, I'm waiting on some of the new Salvation stuff, it sounds AMAZING :) As to the Mills, I'll be looking into it... I can't say I'll get it new, that would be out of my budget almost for sure, but if I can find one used for a good price, that thing is MINE. I hear WAY too many good things...
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    Module recommendations for newbie...

    Anyone else? :)
  15. N

    Module recommendations for newbie...

    I'd say something quite tight for the high gain. Not really dry and tight like a VHT or something but definately not Recto loose. I rather like the 5150 sound.. I'll check out those other three! :) Have you played the G-Flex? I've heard a lot that it's VERY bassy... And I'd absolutely love a...
  16. N

    Module recommendations for newbie...

    You got it :lol: That idea for the Avatar is definately worth some thought, especially if I get it used! Thanks again! :D
  17. N

    Module recommendations for newbie...

    Thanks for the words, man! :) I've heard good things about Vader and the Lynch Box cabs, any comments? :)