Module recommendations for newbie...

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Jul 6, 2009
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Hey guys, I'm new here, was recommended the MTS series amps and heard about the forums from Shinozoku!

Anyway, I'm not very familiar with the modules (go figure) and so, I'd love some recommendations for modules!

I'm hoping to go with the RM100, simply for the 3 channels and am looking for this type of sound for each channel:

Nice clean - although I'm honestly not sure if I'd rather a dark clean or a chimey clean. If you could suggest your favourites or something, that would be splendid!

"Brutal" rhythm - I was pretty much going to use the 5150 green channel for this, so you have some kind of idea what I want

Smooth lead - Cynic, DT or Vai kind of smooth lead, but with the possibility of going for a rougher, ENGL type lead.

Shin suggested that I get:
Clean - Blackface
Rhythm - Salvation Pit Viper
Lead - Turley modded XTC

These all look good to me, although when I was reading up on here the other day, I saw that Anthony from Salvation Mods was going to release a "Hellraiser" mod, which was essentially the epitome of metal modules, which sounds quite tempting as a rhythm channel...So any word on that, Anthony? :)

Anyway, any recommendations for the sounds I want?

As well, could you guys recommend a good cab for these? I'm hoping for a 212 for nice portability, but I'll go 412 if necessary :)

Thanks guys! :D

the blackface is great for cleans, from what i've heard. i'm still trying to get an MTS amp, but i have a blackface. if not that, then i hear the super V has great cleans.

i also hear that pete's 1086, more commonly known as the 1087, is one of the most versatile modules. it can get both great clean and metal tones. if you don't believe me, then check out the vid he posted in the gigamod's subforum. i got one of his earlier mods, and again, i still haven't heard it. but most everyone on this forum who has one says it is great.

But if Shin recommended those to you, then, take his advice. he helped me a lot on the UG forum and directed me to this forum as well.

As for cabinets, i would get an avatar cabinet. they are high quality and affordable. you get to pick what speakers and colors you want. a 412 is like $500 and a 212 is about $375, depending on what speakers you get.

Anyway, good luck getting an MTS amp. I'm still trying to get one; i think i may have closed a deal on an RM80 combo (RM50, but 80W and two speakers) with an Ultra Lead and Clean modules (original faceplates, b4 the black stripe).

I know a few people selling RM50 combos, and someone on this forum is selling an RM50 head. his username is "deedub." One of the combos is on Ebay for $700 with the SL+ and XTC modules. Someone on the UG forum is selling a combo for $800 with the Plexi and Ultra XL modules.

Good Luck.
Thanks for the words, man! :)

I've heard good things about Vader and the Lynch Box cabs, any comments? :)
no.mop said:
Thanks for the words, man! :)

I've heard good things about Vader and the Lynch Box cabs, any comments? :)
I'm guessing you heard that from Shin too?

Well if so, then he is probably right. He has a Vader cab and if he says they are good, then they probably are. He also says the Lynch box cabs are great too; i guess he wants to get some Super V speakers.

But the Lynch is like $900. If you have the money, then you should get it. but if you are on a tight budget, then Avatar might be the way to go. You can actually get the avatar and sell the speakers in it for retail price (they are new after all) then get some Super V's to put in it. I'd say get two Celestion V30's and two G12H30's in the Avatar cab, then sell the G12's for $150 each. then you can buy the Super V's. In the end, you are actually getting money back.
JKMV12 said:
no.mop said:
Thanks for the words, man! :)

I've heard good things about Vader and the Lynch Box cabs, any comments? :)
I'm guessing you heard that from Shin too?

Well if so, then he is probably right. He has a Vader cab and if he says they are good, then they probably are. He also says the Lynch box cabs are great too; i guess he wants to get some Super V speakers.

But the Lynch is like $900. If you have the money, then you should get it. but if you are on a tight budget, then Avatar might be the way to go. You can actually get the avatar and sell the speakers in it for retail price (they are new after all) then get some Super V's to put in it. I'd say get two Celestion V30's and two G12H30's in the Avatar cab, then sell the G12's for $150 each. then you can buy the Super V's. In the end, you are actually getting money back.

You got it :lol:

That idea for the Avatar is definately worth some thought, especially if I get it used! Thanks again! :D
For the high gain are you looking for something tight and crunchy or something thicker and looser?

Besides the XTC, for leads the Salvation Custom 3 is also pretty nice. A modded sl+ can do well too. There's also the Pete modded Mark Clone which will give you a smoother lead tone.

For cabs I recommend for a 2x12 the genz benz g-flex. For a 4x12 you gotta go with a Mills.

Depending on your budget Avatar are great, but imo I'd rather save up and buy just once.
no.mop said:
JKMV12 said:
no.mop said:
Thanks for the words, man! :)

I've heard good things about Vader and the Lynch Box cabs, any comments? :)
I'm guessing you heard that from Shin too?

Well if so, then he is probably right. He has a Vader cab and if he says they are good, then they probably are. He also says the Lynch box cabs are great too; i guess he wants to get some Super V speakers.

But the Lynch is like $900. If you have the money, then you should get it. but if you are on a tight budget, then Avatar might be the way to go. You can actually get the avatar and sell the speakers in it for retail price (they are new after all) then get some Super V's to put in it. I'd say get two Celestion V30's and two G12H30's in the Avatar cab, then sell the G12's for $150 each. then you can buy the Super V's. In the end, you are actually getting money back.

You got it :lol:

That idea for the Avatar is definately worth some thought, especially if I get it used! Thanks again! :D
ya, if you can get it used, then you can save even more money. I've gone over the numbers countless times, and i've found that by doing what i said with the avatar cab, you will most likely get some money back. but the trick is to get the G12's no matter what. they are worth the most out of everything in the selection (given you go with the $500 option). What you could try is to do what i did, but instead of getting super v's, get some Legend V12's. they cost less and are a great match (so i've heard). that way you get even more money back (like $200 or so).
grunge782 said:
For the high gain are you looking for something tight and crunchy or something thicker and looser?

Besides the XTC, for leads the Salvation Custom 3 is also pretty nice. A modded sl+ can do well too. There's also the Pete modded Mark Clone which will give you a smoother lead tone.

For cabs I recommend for a 2x12 the genz benz g-flex. For a 4x12 you gotta go with a Mills.

Depending on your budget Avatar are great, but imo I'd rather save up and buy just once.

I'd say something quite tight for the high gain. Not really dry and tight like a VHT or something but definately not Recto loose. I rather like the 5150 sound..

I'll check out those other three! :)

Have you played the G-Flex? I've heard a lot that it's VERY bassy... And I'd absolutely love a Mills, but the price is a bit high for me :(
no.mop said:
grunge782 said:
For the high gain are you looking for something tight and crunchy or something thicker and looser?

Besides the XTC, for leads the Salvation Custom 3 is also pretty nice. A modded sl+ can do well too. There's also the Pete modded Mark Clone which will give you a smoother lead tone.

For cabs I recommend for a 2x12 the genz benz g-flex. For a 4x12 you gotta go with a Mills.

Depending on your budget Avatar are great, but imo I'd rather save up and buy just once.

I'd say something quite tight for the high gain. Not really dry and tight like a VHT or something but definately not Recto loose. I rather like the 5150 sound..

I'll check out those other three! :)

Have you played the G-Flex? I've heard a lot that it's VERY bassy... And I'd absolutely love a Mills, but the price is a bit high for me :(

Yes I have tried a G-Flex and actually a Vader too, and I have a Mills Afterburner with V30's. You are right, the G-Flex is bassy but I guess I like that in a 2x12. It's dependent on your tastes.
I guess I can't emphasize enough how much the Mills made a difference for my sound though. I actually lost a good bit of money because of the cabs I spent on that were cheaper, where as it would have been much smarter for me to have waited and saved up.

Besides the Salvation Pit Viper(Mamba) there is the salvado by salvation. Pete also makes a soldano clone too. You can look into getting an Ultra modded as well.

Or you can wait a bit because I think Salvation has some pretty cool new stuff coming out like an Engl module too.
grunge782 said:
no.mop said:
grunge782 said:
For the high gain are you looking for something tight and crunchy or something thicker and looser?

Besides the XTC, for leads the Salvation Custom 3 is also pretty nice. A modded sl+ can do well too. There's also the Pete modded Mark Clone which will give you a smoother lead tone.

For cabs I recommend for a 2x12 the genz benz g-flex. For a 4x12 you gotta go with a Mills.

Depending on your budget Avatar are great, but imo I'd rather save up and buy just once.

I'd say something quite tight for the high gain. Not really dry and tight like a VHT or something but definately not Recto loose. I rather like the 5150 sound..

I'll check out those other three! :)

Have you played the G-Flex? I've heard a lot that it's VERY bassy... And I'd absolutely love a Mills, but the price is a bit high for me :(

Yes I have tried a G-Flex and actually a Vader too, and I have a Mills Afterburner with V30's. You are right, the G-Flex is bassy but I guess I like that in a 2x12. It's dependent on your tastes.
I guess I can't emphasize enough how much the Mills made a difference for my sound though. I actually lost a good bit of money because of the cabs I spent on that were cheaper, where as it would have been much smarter for me to have waited and saved up.

Besides the Salvation Pit Viper(Mamba) there is the salvado by salvation. Pete also makes a soldano clone too. You can look into getting an Ultra modded as well.

Or you can wait a bit because I think Salvation has some pretty cool new stuff coming out like an Engl module too.

Yeah, I'm waiting on some of the new Salvation stuff, it sounds AMAZING :)

As to the Mills, I'll be looking into it... I can't say I'll get it new, that would be out of my budget almost for sure, but if I can find one used for a good price, that thing is MINE. I hear WAY too many good things about them :D

Out of curiosity, they're almost all loaded with V30's, correct? What makes these V30's so much better than everyone else's? It seems that even V30 bashers love Mills cabs :lol:
As to the Mills, I'll be looking into it... I can't say I'll get it new, that would be out of my budget almost for sure, but if I can find one used for a good price, that thing is MINE. I hear WAY too many good things about them :D

Out of curiosity, they're almost all loaded with V30's, correct? What makes these V30's so much better than everyone else's? It seems that even V30 bashers love Mills cabs :lol:

no.mop said:
How does Pete's Blackface differ from the stock Blackface?

Shin suggested that I get:
Clean - Blackface
Rhythm - Salvation Pit Viper
Lead - Turley modded XTC

That's a good start...
the KH1 is an excellent stock clean as well; the Super V is chime-city- not my favorite, but distinctive...overall a PeteBlackface is my clean, but the stock BFace is quality too!
crankyrayhanky said:
Shin suggested that I get:
Clean - Blackface
Rhythm - Salvation Pit Viper
Lead - Turley modded XTC

That's a good start...
the KH1 is an excellent stock clean as well; the Super V is chime-city- not my favorite, but distinctive...overall a PeteBlackface is my clean, but the stock BFace is quality too!

How does Pete's Blackface differ from the stock Blackface?
Out of curiosity, they're almost all loaded with V30's, correct? What makes these V30's so much better than everyone else's? It seems that even V30 bashers love Mills cabs

The afterburner was designed with the V30 as the standard. The biggest thing that separates these cabs from normal ones is the baffle that they use in the back. There isn't that directional honkyness that is associated with v30's sometimes. It sounds incredibly full and very articulate unlike any other cab I have heard. It fills the room so well. Scooped amps usually like V30's more like an Engl Fireball or a Mesa Recto, however I threw my titan(soldano based) on top of it and it sounded amazing.
as rhythm killing machine I would recomend Salvation ANGEL. I?m expecting much more performance from this then from MAMBA. But of course this is personal taste, and ANGEL takes a bit more time (testing etc)
hyenik said:
as rhythm killing machine I would recomend Salvation ANGEL. I?m expecting much more performance from this then from MAMBA. But of course this is personal taste, and ANGEL takes a bit more time (testing etc)

you can play them all...

- deadplate2 (great in the bandmix, even downtuned to H)
- 1666 (super agressive sound !) not as great in the mix but more brutal :twisted:

I would like to get all of Anthony?s highgainers, but only can play one...

but you are right, it?s a personal taste