RM100 recommendations for newbie

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Jul 6, 2009
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Hey guys, I'm new here, was recommended the MTS series amps and heard about the forums from Shinozoku!

Anyway, I'm not very familiar with the modules (go figure) and so, I'd love some recommendations for modules!

I'm hoping to go with the RM100, simply for the 3 channels and am looking for this type of sound for each channel:

Nice clean - although I'm honestly not sure if I'd rather a dark clean or a chimey clean. If you could suggest your favourites or something, that would be splendid!

"Brutal" rhythm - I was pretty much going to use the 5150 green channel for this, so you have some kind of idea what I want

Smooth lead - Cynic, DT or Vai kind of smooth lead, but with the possibility of going for a rougher, ENGL type lead.

Shin suggested that I get:
Clean - Blackface
Rhythm - Salvation Pit Viper
Lead - Turley modded XTC

These all look good to me, although when I was reading up on here the other day, I saw that Anthony from Salvation Mods was going to release a "Hellraiser" mod, which was essentially the epitome of metal modules, which sounds quite tempting as a rhythm channel...So any word on that, Anthony? :)

Anyway, any recommendations for the sounds I want?

As well, could you guys recommend a good cab for these? I'm hoping for a 212 for nice portability, but I'll go 412 if necessary :)

Thanks guys! :D

XTC for lead. Mr scary for Marshall rythm and grail for mesa. Blackface for clean. Super v or tweed for clean/grit
I have 2 threads in two different forums and one (hopefully) dead thread because I timed out :)
I like this:

Clean: Deluxe, or JTM -- with single coils these will be quite clean, with active humbuckers gritty.

Rhythm: Mr. Scary (gain at 3:00 will do the 5150 II crunch channel with gain 3:00 easily); add a boost like a TS808 for lead.

I'm currently using my JTM, Brahma, and SL+, but I'm probably going to swap out the SL+ for the Grail.

But then I'm not really a liquid gain player.
why not go all stock modules first before dumping tons of cash into the the custom modules.

I would say for you:

Clean: Blackface or Clean Module
Crunch: SL+ or Rectified Module
Lead: UltraXL

I use the Clean,Rectified, and the UltraXL for clean,crunch, lead tones in my RM20 when my RM100 gets fixed this week im sure Ill be using the same.

FWIW I boost with a TS9 or Maxon808. It gives a smoother lead sound and punchier bass.
Get a KH-3. i have an extra i need to sell.

perfect for heavy rhythms or leads stock.
MorgMetal666 said:
Get a KH-3. i have an extra i need to sell.

perfect for heavy rhythms or leads stock.

This man speaks sense...it's a little drier than other high gainers and plenty tight enough for rhythm but thick/gainy enough for leads....I made a clip of mine and it the comment on it was that actually far better tone than Hammetts (which was nice)...the playing on the other hand ;)