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  1. J


    I have a Salvation SPAWN, it can get very high gain on OD2/Gear 3. After seeing this thread I went at listen to some Nitro clips and played my SPAWN some but I don't think is as tight as the NITRO...maybe with a Boost? The NITRO sounds a bit more 'modern' to me also. As you know I had the JF...
  2. J

    BB/BE, OS and Savage modules in stock at Sweetwater

    Really nice setup with the switches there. \m/
  3. J

    Is there a more active forum?

    Since the forum software upgrade, it seems even quieter or is it just me?
  4. J

    Do The Synergy Modules Fit?

    Same here.
  5. J

    Favorite recto

    For what it's worth, I permanently modded the input of my RM50 with a smaller made everything sound clearer :D I actually increased c3 (?) on my Stock Grail..since in combination with yeti head, was too tight. I'll get around to building a switch on that RM50 some day, so I can select...
  6. J

    Bogner Working on...

    I came to the conclusion now that there's no better or worse in tone, it's all personal taste....but then I'm a hack who just likes to make noise :D
  7. J

    BB/BE, OS and Savage modules in stock at Sweetwater

    at 3:45 he switches from the Blue Channel to the Red Channel. The Blue side is much more mid-rangey and the Red much more balls out Hi-Gain ENGL and as far as I know the Contour switch only affects the RED Channel. The three way switch affects the first stage in the amp head or preamp on the...
  8. J

    Synergy Amps Reliability and Quality Control

    I had some teething troubles with a Synergy VH4 module but everything else (SYN2, SYN1, SYN50 and 8 other modules have been flawless from day 1. The Synergy production stands head and shoulders above Randall, which was somewhat notorious for arc'ing issues in early revs of amp and wrong...
  9. J

    How well do the Synergy Plexi and DS modules clean up

    At least it is available now and the BB/BE is exactly what you want.....still can't find a buyer for my Dual BE :-/
  10. J

    SYNERGY's getting there

    Much higher quality than the Randall amps..hard to say where it stands against the Egnater... Pros: Supporrs Synergy Cathode Bias Cons: No External Bias Points I'm a huge fan of the understated cosmetics, looks classy. :D Working to the point where I can get the FX integrated and maybe a clip...
  11. J

    SYNERGY's getting there

    All fun, all the time! \m/
  12. J

    FS: Dual Synergy BE and Metroplex - $OLD

    Having a hard time believe the market is so dead....or saturated with SYNERGY already..bump
  13. J

    Does anyone have the vh4 module?

    Yeah, I figured Randall Cab has v30/g12h30 mix...was messing around with it tonight but couldn't quite get the clarity I wanted. I think because I couldn't turn it up so was using the old TS....less gain and a bit more volume would be a lot happier/closer I think. I think the base...
  14. J

    Does anyone have the vh4 module?

    Any idea what cab/speakers Adam is know to use?
  15. J

    What's the verdict on the OS module? The Clean side is a little quieter on my preferred setting (Bright, No Deep, Rock) compared to high gain models It is quieter on Jazz (there's cleaner tone/less...
  16. J

    Rm50 vs RM100

    The low end grunt of the RM100 is vastly different to the RM50, I kind of feel it has a much harder/harsher tone too. When you get them up in volume, they get closer but the RM100 has more headroom of still feels stiffer to play and out thumps the 50.
  17. J

    FS: Dual Synergy BE and Metroplex - $OLD

    Finally got a picture online!!! Sorry for the wait.
  18. J

    FS: Dual Synergy BE and Metroplex - $OLD

    Ideally need cash, bought 3 modules and a SYN50. I do have a MOD50 that needs repairing and a Foglifter+ installing though..maybe a SYNERGY CATHODE switch..LOL
  19. J

    Tube Recommendations for Egnater M4 Modules

    Outside of the COD, which I roll with a NOS JAN5751 in v1 and a Chinese c5 or c9 in v2...I have no other particular preference. The old 12ax7EH is good for sparkling cleans but pretty much everything else I have the Chinese 12ax7c5 or c9 in...they are rebranded by almost everyone..Ruby tubes...
  20. J

    FS: Dual Synergy BE and Metroplex - $OLD

    Posted this up on the FB page, figured I should offer it here in case it reaches a different audience. Two dual modules, shipped in US Priority for $575...a steal, that's like $275 per module (+shipping/fees) Don't need these, got duplicates. Will ship globally - $600 for the pair.