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  1. Z

    I need help fast!

    i was changing tubes today when the little plastic piece on the bottom of the tube broke off in the hole. when i pulled it out half of it broke off further and fell through the hole below where the tubes go. can anyone tell me how to get it out of there?
  2. Z


    what is the benifit of running 4Ohms mono vs 16Ohm mono and vice versa
  3. Z


    i just got a rm 100, and a 4x12 randall cab. im new to the whole half stack thing and was wondering what i should have my ohm settings at
  4. Z

    Avenged Sevenfold's new record

    I know a7x's main amps are Bogner Uberschall/Caveman Mesa Dual/triple rectifers if that gives some insight
  5. Z

    Module suggestions

    thank you i was thinking the XTC for the A7X style tone it seems to be really close. thanks for your suggestions
  6. Z

    Module suggestions

    Im getting a randall RM100 this weekend. And am a little in the dark about which modules to get. I dont live close enough to go in and try many modules and they opnly have a few in so i need help on this one. Im looking for kind of diverse tones, i want a clean channel thats isnt twangy, i...
  7. Z

    New to randall

    Im quite new to Randall amps, the MTS100M will be my first half stack. My question is about the Egnater modules, will they work in the Randall amps, i have never heard of egnater so im really in the dark about the whole modular tube amps.