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  1. D

    rm4 schematics needed, please

    hi, my preamp rm4 is on repair at my amp tech. it needs some repair ( problems with gain lack and tone) my tech need the schematics to do the repair easily and quickly, and maybe doing some mods to improve the overall tone of this beast. i havent found it in the web, can someone help me ? thx...
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    1086 gain mods?

    a member of the forum have told me that the resistor r17 is the one to remplace to have more gain. here you talk about the r16... is the r16 only for the 1086 ? r17 for the other modules ?
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    RM100 - tube mixing...Yellow Jackets

    so you say that this yellow jackets allow to play with a good tone , some metal at low volume ? seems really interresting
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    Preamp output problem RM100

    Hi!!! i have the same problem with my rm4... lack of gain, any of my modules sound like crap .... to play something like acdc or clean stuff it's ok, but for some (extreme) metalish playing, i am forced to use my bbe green screamer with full volume, and gain at noon, and a sonic maximizer +...
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    wich module for a "chuck schuldiner " sound ?

    thx for the advice ! i'm about to buy a stealth sig chuck ! so the guitar would not be a problem ^^ is the sl+ a good start ? after all this is a marshall higain mod, maybe some eq tweaking would help. i've also a scary module that is , in my opinion , similar to the marshall sound. need to...
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    wich module for a "chuck schuldiner " sound ?

    hi everyone i planned to join a "death cover band" and i would like to know wich module could be a good start to found a sound similar to chuck rig . chuck's uses marshall valvestate head, is there a module close to this type of sound ? dorth
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    5751 in PI

    i will give it a try in my rt2/50, PI is the preamp tube in the middle position in the rear of the amp, right ?
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    questions about module modification

    thx a lot !!!! i haven't try to change the bias of my rt2/50, but i will give it a try this week !!! i've just trade one of my module for a modern loaded with ruby tubes, so tomorow i'll try this tubes on all my modules to see (hear?) if there 's a big difference !
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    Which cap should I replace?

    thx a lot !!!!!
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    Which cap should I replace?

    hi, i want to try changing some caps of my modules, i will try 0.001 caps. is this cap a good one ? 600 volts are not a little too much ? thx in advance dorth
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    RT2-50 Impedance for multiple speakers ?

    so this is wired in parralele ! thx a lot for help !!!
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    questions about module modification

    hi, i'm from france, and unfortunately, there is no "freaking module modifier amptech" around my city, lol ! i've decided to try by myself .... i play almost only metal, mainly death and black. i need more gain on 3 modules, grail, mr scary and 1086. i've see that i can start by change the...
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    RT2-50 Impedance for multiple speakers ?

    hi everyone, i'm new here! please sorry for my poor english, i'm from france and i was not a very good student as a teen ^^ ! i've a question about my RT2-50: until today, i was using my poweramp in switching mode with only one speaker cab (home made 1X12" 60w 8 ohms). i've made 3 other cabs...