wich module for a "chuck schuldiner " sound ?

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Feb 19, 2010
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hi everyone

i planned to join a "death cover band" and i would like to know wich module could be a good start to found a sound similar to chuck rig .

chuck's uses marshall valvestate head, is there a module close to this type of sound ?

ive never played with a Valvestate 8100 but i bet gig mods, salvation, or jadied faith might know something about getting you a module that gets you there. To me that tone really sounds metal with a ton of mid scoop with alot of bass but very marshall kinda grit. then again im only hearing youtube snips.
I know he changed amps over the years, from Peavey - Randall - Marshall.

A Dimarzio X2N humbucker played a big part in his sound also.

I also seem to remember reading he would never play with a bolt-on neck guitar. Before he used the Rick Deringer model BC Rich, he used a thru neck Mockingbird.
thx for the advice !

i'm about to buy a stealth sig chuck !
so the guitar would not be a problem ^^

is the sl+ a good start ? after all this is a marshall higain mod, maybe some eq tweaking would help.

i've also a scary module that is , in my opinion , similar to the marshall sound.
need to go home for testing all that !!!

say "iamlegion", are you a guy from diamanthian ? i really love this band, especialy the "Arcana Doctrina" ep.

in all case, thx to you all for your help !
Hi Dorthian,

I think if you were to send a module to Anthony/Salvation and get him to make you a Mash-all, you would be able to get Chuck's 90's tone.


PS I am Scott (guitar/vox) from Diamanthian. I'm glad you like 'Arcana Doctina'.