1086 vs ultra xl

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Aug 19, 2008
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My current amp is a peavey 6505+ which has a nice sound but its one sound only, so i went out and bought a RM100M so i can customize my own amp, the music i play sounds alot like arch enemy , devildriver , lamb of god etc, i need a module that can handle that style of music, rhythm and leads, i hear only the best things about the 1086, what about the ultra xl?? and how would you say the distortion sounds comparison to a peavey 5150, or just any info or advice on the modules are other modules would be appreciated!!
1086 vs ULTRA XL...no contest,imo...ULTRA XL all the way.it's very similar to a 5150 tone.sounds equally great for both leads & rhythm.can be a bit bright,due to its upper-mids content,but that makes it 'cut' better in a live band situation.the 1086.,imo,is geared more towards the nu-metal thing.yeah,it's got more versatility than other modules,but i dont see it as a "one-module-does-all"...alot of guys LOVE this module,but i feel otherwise...for stuff like ARCH ENEMY,i think the ULTRA XL is suited better!!!
Dont have the 1086, but I am very happy with the Ultra XL. At first I wasn't so sure, it was very bright with the eq where I would first start, but turning down the treble alot, it sounded great! good rthm, and equally good for leads. Tight sound, kinda close to the sl+ somewhat marshally sounding but a little better overall for heavy rythm, and lead, it is liquid. I can definetally hear more peavy tones out of this one too..

great module. I actually put in a little darker tube in, and it smoothed it out a bit too.
audioholic said:
Dont have the 1086, but I am very happy with the Ultra XL. At first I wasn't so sure, it was very bright with the eq where I would first start, but turning down the treble alot, it sounded great! good rthm, and equally good for leads. Tight sound, kinda close to the sl+ somewhat marshally sounding but a little better overall for heavy rythm, and lead, it is liquid. I can definetally hear more peavy tones out of this one too..

great module. I actually put in a little darker tube in, and it smoothed it out a bit too.

yeah...JJ preamp tubes seem to "balance out" really well in the ULTRA XL.

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