2nd clip page - 9 NEW clips recorded Dec 13th

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Jun 25, 2006
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new XTC clips are Ned Cullen's module
Top Boost/Vox clips are Ray Hankinson's
Ultra clip is Ken's

'old' Style XTC clip w/gain boost is mine for now. :)

Changed one thing on my website, when you mouse over the link for the sound clip, a small popup appears telling you which guitar I used. Used my EJ strat and Charvel SoCal tonight.

I *did* roll off the volume slightly on the clean XTC clip, but WOW it sounds good IMHO. For a module that can bring the pain on the gain clips, I'm super pleased with how it's turning out.

Is that Top Boost modded for traditional Vox voicing? Sounds nice, esp. with the single coils on clean/overdrive..not so keen on the high gain though.
yeah, it's the 'clean' mod on here with a switch from there to stock, upgraded components in the signal path. No mods other than that - I didn't change the bass cap or do anything beyond that. I dig the overdrive clip, it's a little on the fat side but I don't think uber tightness when I think AC30 either. :) You might also be hearing the difference between the guitars - First two Vox clips were an EJ strat, the gainiest vox clip was a Charvel SoCal. I'm not a huge fan personally of super overdriven strat single coil tones, so I didn't do any. I do dig the clean and mild overdrive tones though!
