3 New Module Days ahead!!!!

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2010
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Hurtling through space on a wet rock.
You know that feeling you get when you know you're about to receive a module? Maybe not, but I have three soon to be on the way and couldn't be more excited...I have a Hilly Snorkeler, Salvation S1S0+, and Gigmods Mark+...The +'s mean they have every extra feature currently available...SOme neat ideas to try...

Just had to share my enthusiasm...It's like getting three, actually more, top notch amps to me!
Nice! The Hilly and Mark are on the top of my need to try list. I have all Marshally gain mods right now and could use a Mark series tone in the mix and I really like what I have heard from the Hilly.
Mark+ is the freakin' bomb..it reproduces a few classic Mesa Mark tones and sounds wonderfully harmonic.
Thanks guys! Just got notice that my Mark Series will be here Tuesday...Can't wait to hear the Mesa tone outta that as compared to my Erecto...Could be an amazing stereo pair....

I hope that Sacred Groove sees fit to pass on my Snorkeler when it arrives or I may have to send the mamba on a recon mission... :lol: And the mamba will strike without hesitation...Happens all the time in the rack... :D

I think the S1S0 is gonna be the last one to the party but since I already have a few Salvation Mods, I'm sure she'll feel right at home once she gets here...
crankyrayhanky said:
I'm stoked just to hear you getting them!

Very selfless of you sir! I thank you...

Edited to add: Snorkeler is in town...Not yet in my grimey hands...Mark Series here by Monday or Tuesday...And Antonin just started my S1S0+! Life is good already...About to get better....Good tone leads to good things...:)

Reviews coming very soon...Don't start watching the classifieds just yet for these...Give me a few weeks.... :wink: I've been after all three tones forever so I doubt any of them will be going anywhere but into my rack of delight...
Mattfig said:
so I doubt any of them will be going anywhere but into my rack of delight...
So is that what you are calling it now? "Rack of Delight" It has a nice ring to it. It certainly is delightful. I look forward to hearing the Mark in your next shootout. :D
Mattfig said:
crankyrayhanky said:
I'm stoked just to hear you getting them!

Very selfless of you sir! I thank you...

It's a selfless/selfish combo- I genuinely get excited when I hear someone else getting a cool new mod + I know it may hit the market soon!
Congrats on pulling the trigger on the s150. Not much sound clips to go by yet, can't wait to hear more.
HELL to the YEAH!


On its way...
Please send me new underwear after that recent picture.....you have my address I believe...not used underwear either..fresh..
omg...please upload some sound clips. Gotta hear that thing next to the mamba and mashall!
Anthony is a modding genius. Man, that thing is beautiful... Happy for you, man. Make sure to post a module video for all of us to drool over!